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2022-09-11Live Out the Original Design 活出受造的本意 (Psa 8)

发表于 2024-01-08

Last weekend we were away. 上周末我们外出了,It was a good time for us to take a break, retreat with God and get recharged in Him. 这是我们在神里面的休息,退修和充电的好时机。When I was reading and meditating on Psalm  8, 当我在祷读默想圣经时,my heart was struck hugely by it,我的心被8触动了So today, 所以,I wanna share this message with you. 今天我想要和大家分享这一章。1, Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. 耶和华我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!你将你的荣耀彰显于天。2 Through the praise of children and infants You have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 你因敌人的缘故,从婴孩和吃奶的口中建立了能力,使仇敌和报仇的闭口无言。3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿,4 what is man that you are mindful of him (them), the son of man that you care for him? 便说,人算什么,你竟顾念他?世人算什么,你竟眷顾他?5 You have made him (them) a little lower than the angels and crowned him (them) with glory and honor. 你叫他比天使(或作 神)微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。6 You made him (them) rulers over the works of your hands; You put everything under his (their) feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild,8 the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.你派他管理你手所造的,使万物,就是一切的羊牛、田野的兽、空中的鸟、海里的鱼,凡经行海道的,都服在他的脚下。9 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 耶和华我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!

1, The original design 受造的本意 (v.1-2,5-8)

V.1-2 tells us, that the Creator God displays His glory in heaven. 1-2节说到,造物主在天上彰显祂的荣耀,We serve a creative God, 我们服事的是一位充满创意的神,who Created the heavens and the earth. 一位创造出天和地的神。 Psalm 19:1says, "The heavens declare the glory of God." 【诗19:1】(大卫的诗,交与伶长。)诸天述说 神的荣耀,穹苍传扬他的手段。 In other words, 换句话说,the purpose of creation is to praise the beauty and glory of God. 万物被造的目的是为了颂扬神的荣美。Psa 8:2 tells us 诗篇8:2告诉我们,that on earth God uses the weak and the lowly to overcome the strong. 神在地上使用软弱卑微的人去胜过强者。That’s His glory. 这是祂的荣耀。How? 要如何做?Through the praise of the children. 通过孩子们的赞美。In other words, 换句话说our praise prepares us for an ultimate purpose.我们的赞美使我们为最终目的做好准备 We’ll touch on this in a moment. 我们稍后会谈到这个。We always feel frustrated by our weakness. 我们常为自己的软弱而感到沮丧,Because we wanna become strong enough and independent. 因我们总想够强大和独立。But in Christ, 但在基督里,it’s totally the opposite那是完全相反,His power is made perfect in our weakness and dependence on Him. 祂的大能在我们的软弱和依靠祂上显得完全。When you learn another language当你去学一种语言, you feel it’s so hard你觉得好难, but the challenge can bring you even closer to God但这挑战会让你和神拉近, as you pour out yourself before Him因为当你倒空自己, He will cleanse you and fill you with love and power祂就会洁净你并用祂的爱和大能充满你. That’s my experience. 这是我的经历God wants us to be dependent on Him, 神要我们依赖他,so that we can break out of our limitations 以至于我们可以突破自己的极限,and get to a new level of faith去到信心的新高度 to overcome our weaknesses.去胜过我们的软弱。

We go down to v.5-v.8, 我们继续看5-8 You have made him (them) a little lower than the angels and crowned him (them) with glory and honor. 你叫他比天使(或作 神)微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。the word “angels” is from the Hebrew word “Elohim”, “天使一词来自希伯来语“Elohim”God Himself, the Mighty One. 是神自己,大能者。It tells us who we are. 这句话告诉我们我们是谁。God has made us a little lower in rank than Himself. 神使我们的地位比祂低一点。He is majestic in Holiness, 他圣洁威严,awesome in glory, 荣耀可畏,working wonders. 施行奇事。We have His likeness. 我们有他的形象,Because it says, 因圣经说,He has crowned us with glory and honour.祂以荣耀尊贵为冠冕给我们。(Exodus 15:11).  v.6 says, 6节说, He has made us to have dominion over the works of His hands on earth. He has put all things under man’s feet. 你派他管理你手所造的,使万物都服在他的脚下。 This is the original design what we’ve been made for. 这就是为我们起初的设计。God has assigned a task for us to do, 神给我们分配了一个任务,that is to have dominion over His creation on earth. 那就是统管祂在地上所造的万物。Notice, 请注意,this isn’t the past tense, 这不是过去式,but it’s the present perfect tense. 而是现在完成时。It has been done in God’s eyes. 在神眼里这工已经完成了,God is eternal. 神是永恒的,He sees the past, present and the future at the same time. 能同时看到过去、现在和未来,He sees the end from the beginning. 祂从一开始就看到了结局。If we see things through His eyes, 如果我们透过神的眼睛看万事,in good times we give praise to God, 顺境时我们赞美神,in bad times we change ourselves and trust in Him, 逆境中我们改变自己并信靠他,if we learn to look at life and people through God's eyes, 我们若学会透过神的眼睛去看生命和世人,everything changes. 一切都会改变。Back to v.6, 我们再回到第6节的经文,this is the original design. 这就是神最初的设计,And this is the position we have in Christ. 这也是我们在基督里的地位。God designed us to carry His glory for dominion over His creation on earth. 神设计我们带著祂的荣耀,治理祂造的万物。In other words, 换句话说,the earth and everything in it hasn’t been made for God himself, 地和地上的万物并不是为神造的,but for man, 而是为人造的,for us to have dominion over them. 为要我们治理他们。Jesus came to bring us back to the original design. 耶稣来到地上是要带我们回到神造人的本意。

In Psa 8, both verse1 and 9 says,  诗篇8章的第1节和第9节都说,Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 耶和华我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美! When you look at the word ‘majesty’, 当你看到威严这个词时,what comes to mind?你会想到什么?In the OT, 旧约里记载,when Esther came to see the King, 当以斯帖来朝见王,she said, “O, King, Your Majesty.” 她说:“王啊,陛下。”The word majesty is always connected to royalty, to a king. “威严,陛下这个词总是和皇室、国王联系在一起,It talks about the king’s supreme authority. 它讲的是国王的至高权柄。So these two verses say, 所以这两节经文在说: “Lord, our God, “主啊,我们的神,all the earth has seen Your supreme authority manifested through your name.” 全地借着你的名已看到你至高的权柄。”Have you seen that? 你有看到吗?No, we don’t see that. 没有,我们没看到,We see the consequences of sin on earth. 我们看到罪在世上的后果。We see brokenness, 我们看到了破败、sickness, 疾病、separation, 分离、rebellion, 悖逆、wars, 战争、poverty, 贫穷、oppression, 压制、depression, 沮丧、suicide, 自杀、addiction, 各种瘾,and so many problems, 以及许多问题,which all show that the kingdom of darkness is at work on earth because of sin. 这些都表明黑暗的国度借着罪在地上运行。But we need to remind ourselves every single day of the original design 但我们每一天都需要提醒自己我们受造的本意,why we’re still living in this life. 为什么我们还活在今生。It’s not for us to strive for a better life like everyone else in this world, 不是要我们去像世人一样去得地上的好生活,so that we’re still tortured by so many worries and fears. 以致于我们仍被这么多的忧虑惧怕折磨;It’s not to struggle for our own desires to be satisfied, 不是为争自己的欲望得满足,so that we’re still tortured by all sorts of negative feelings, 以致于我们仍被各种负面情绪折磨,We need to get our mind renewed by the truth,我们需要用真理来更新思想,seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you. 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。Matt6:33. We need to change our priorities, 我们需要改变我们的优先次序,and learn how to walk with Jesus to have dominion over the creation on earth, 学习如何与耶稣同行来管理地上万物,first through seeking His peace, love and His sinless life to rule in us.首先借着让祂的平安、爱和无罪的生命在我们里面掌权。

2, The example of fulfilling the original design. 成就受造本意的榜样

In the bible, 在圣经中,we see someone who lived out the original design 我们看到有人活出了最初的设计,as an example for us to follow. 成为我们效仿的榜样。Hebrew 1:3 says, 希伯来书1:3说,Jesus Christ is the express image of the living God. 耶稣基督是神本体的真像,He is the express revelation of what our heavenly Father is like, 他向我们显明了天父的形象,humble, 谦卑,Loving, 爱,Holy, 圣洁,just, 公正,and powerful. 大有能力。In the OT, 旧约里,we see God is a supernatural God, 我们看到神是超自然的,who has the power to intervene and change the natural realm. 有能力干预和改变物质世界。We see God created the world by His word, 我们看见神用祂的语创造了世界, He calls things that are not as though they were. 祂使无变有。We see the powerful nation of Egypt was forced by God’s supernatural intervention, 我们看到强大的埃及帝国在神超自然的干预下,to release two million slaves, 被迫释放了两百万奴隶,and let them go freely. 让他们自由离开。

You may get used to it 你可能读习惯了,and think it’s an ordinary thing. 觉得没啥,But this’s absolutely extraordinary. 但这绝对非同寻常。Then, God opened the red sea to make a way for His people to walk through. 之后,神分开红海,给祂子民开了一条路;When they walked through the desert, there was no food, 他们经过旷野,没有食物,but God provided it for them from heaven. 神却从天上赐粮食;God tore down the walls of Jericho, 神又拆毁耶利哥城墙,He raised the dead. 又叫死人复活。Throughout the Bible, 纵观圣经,from the beginning to the end we see God does miracles从始至终,我们看到神不停止地施行神迹,That’s our God.这就是我们的神。Don’t forget who He is 不要忘了祂是谁。

We get used to living in the natural world. 我们活在物质世界已经习惯了。But this natural world is temporary. 但这物质世界是暂时的,The spiritual realm is eternal. 灵界才是永恒的,Because our God is a Spirit. 因我们的神是个灵。Think about it. 想想。The spiritual realm seems to be strange to some people, 灵界或许对有些人来讲有点儿怪,but we need to wake up and believe, 但我们需要灵魂苏醒,that the spiritual realm dominates the physical realm. 相信灵界主导着物质世界,The spiritual realm is timeless. 灵界是永恒的。Don’t use our natural minds 不要用我们自然的思维方式,to limit the Supernatural God from doing supernatural work in our lives. 来限制超自然的神在我们的生命中行超自然的事。That’s why we need to be reborn in the Holy Spirit. 这就是为什么我们需要在圣灵里重生。With the help of the Holy Spirit through our faith, 借着圣灵的帮助和我们的信,we enter the realm of the supernatural and experience God. 我们得以进入超自然的领域并经历神。God is a supernatural God, 神是超自然的神,a powerful God, 大有能力的神,the sovereign King, 至高的君王,King of kings. 万王之王。He is not weak and dead. 在祂没有软弱,祂也没有死,He is a God of might. 祂是一位全能的神,He is able to change the natural realm. 祂能改变自然界。Don’t forget who He is. 不要忘记祂是谁,The supernatural God isn’t a distant Father. 这超然的神并不是一位遥远的父亲。Jesus came as fully man and full God. 耶稣完全的人,完全的神,He was born as a majestic king in a lowly manger. 他是降生在卑微马槽里的大君王,But he was crowned with glory and honor. 却以荣耀尊贵为冠冕。

Matt 1:21 says, 马太福音1:21说,the purpose Jesus came is to save His people from their sins. 耶稣来到地上的目的是要把祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。He is to rescue them out of the torment of Satan, 祂要救他们脱离撒但的折磨,and the grip of poverty and sickness, 脱离贫穷和疾病的捆绑,and bring them into a place of freedom, 使他们得自由,and restore their sonship into the royal family of God. 使他们恢复神儿子的名分并回归王室。God cares about us, 神顾念我们,He made himself like us, 祂使自己像我们一样,a little lower than God, 比神微小一点,and he died on the cross for our sins, 他为我们的罪死在十字架上,and was resurrected, 又复活了,and He put His Spirit in us, 祂把祂的灵放在我们里面,which is to bring us back to the original design. 就是要把我们带回最初受造的本意,His purpose is to bring many sons to glory 祂的目的是领许多儿子进入荣耀。(Hebrew 2:10). It’s not just to give you a job, 不止是给你一份工作,a house, 一栋房子,or anything that is temporary. 或任何暂时的东西,He wants us to be like Christ to overcome and take possession of what the enemy got from Adam's fall神愿意我们像基督,胜过魔鬼,夺回仇敌从亚当的堕落中得着的产业,to set people free. 就是释放人得自由。The Son is the expression of the living God, 神儿子是永生神本体的真像,who showed us his spiritual authority over all. 他向我们显明这属灵权柄在万有之上。

That’s why we see miracles throughout Jesus’ ministry, 这就是为什么我们在耶稣的事工中看到神迹,we see water turned into wine; 我们看到水变成了酒;we see the wind and the waves obeyed him; 看到风和海听从了祂;we see the boat immediately reached the shore; 看到船立刻靠了岸;we see blind people healed. 看到瞎子得医治, We see lepers healed; 看到麻风病人得医治;we see people being delivered from demons. 看到人从污鬼的欺压中得释放。All the supernatural miracles show that God has put everything under his feet. 这一切超自然的神迹显明神让万物都服在他的脚下,The Son of Man has dominion over the earth. 人子在全地管理万物。

Then Jesus called his twelve disciples, 接着耶稣召了十二门徒来,and also another seventy-two disciples like us, 又召了七十二个像我们一样的门徒来,he gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every sickness and disease. 赐给他们权柄,可以赶鬼、医治各样的病症。Jesus was actually training them to subdue and have dominion, 耶稣实际上是在训练他们去得胜和掌权, which is to take possession of the cities of their spiritual enemiesGen 2217就是夺回属灵仇敌的城门. Jesus came to bring us back to the original design to who we’re, 耶稣来,是为带我们回到神对我们起初的计划里,we’re the representatives of God on earth. 我们是神在地上的代表。 And Jesus showed us that he walked under authority, 耶稣又向我们显明,他行在权柄之下,he surrendered to the Father’s authority, 降服在父的权柄之下,so that he had the power and the authority to subdue the enemies. 因而他才有权柄能力可以制服仇敌。Last week, 上周,a sister from HK told me a testimony about the change in her teenage daughter, 一位香港的姊妹给我讲了她十几岁的女儿改变的见证,saying that ever since she has started to practice 100% accepting her daughter just as she was, a grumpy girl; 她说自从她开始操练百分百接纳女儿本来的样子,一个脾气不好的女孩;repaying good for evil, 操练以善报怨,whenever her girl yelled at her, 当女儿对她大声喊叫时,she closed her mouth, 她就闭上嘴巴,praying and forgiving rather than blaming. 祷告、饶恕,不去责怪。She practiced repenting of her own ways of treating her daughter for years. 几年中她都在操练悔改不再用自己的方式去对待孩子。

What a surprise, 令人惊奇的是,this summer holiday her daughter showed respect, love, and obedience to her, 这个暑假她的女儿对她表现出尊重、爱和顺服,and also did lots of chores which she hadn’t done before. 女儿也做了很多从前没有做过的家务。When the sister practiced yielding to the Word of God, 当这位姊妹去操练顺服神的话,she actually made room for the supernatural power of God to move in her house, 她实际是让神的超自然能力在她的家运行,the spiritual environment of hostility was shifted, 家里敌对的属灵气氛被改变,and her teenage daughter was changed. 十几岁的女儿也就被改变了。 That’s a miracle. 这是一个神迹。That’s the power of God helping her to have dominion over the evil spirits 是神的能力帮助她制服了邪灵,and bring her daughter back from the hands of the enemy to her. 把女儿从仇敌的手中夺回给她。

3, Live out the original design. 活出受造的本意。

Don’t blame your children or someone else, if they don’t listen to you. 如果你的孩子或他人不听你的,不要责怪他们。It only messes your life up. 责怪只会让你的生命一团糟。Ever since Adam’s fall, 自从亚当堕落以来,what is required for us to live out the original design is that we repent and change the way we think. 活出受造的本意是我们自己要悔改,改变我们的思维方式。We live in alignment with Jesus, 我们自己要与耶稣合一,so that we can subdue enemies and shift spiritual atmospheres. 就能制服仇敌,改变属灵空气。When the bible mentions subdue, 当圣经提到制服的时候,it means that there are enemies, 就意味着有仇敌、the old ways of thinking, 有旧的思维方式、the concepts of the world, 有世界的观念,and Satan还有撒但, which try to oppress us,试图欺压我们,and we need to arise and overcome them. 我们需要起来胜过它们。Psa 8:2 gives us a practical way of subduing our enemies, 诗篇82节给了我们一个切实可行的制服仇敌的方法,that is to praise God, 那就是赞美神,to exalt Him for who He is. 因祂是神而高举祂。No matter what level of faith you have, 无论你的信心程度如何,if you open your mouth to praise, 只要你开口赞美,you open up the realm of heaven for God to move in your life, 你就打开了天门,让神进入你的生命,in your household, 进入你的家庭,in your workplace, 进入你的职场,and shift the spiritual atmosphere, 来改变属灵气氛,to cast out the activities of evil spirits. 赶出邪灵的作为。

Psa 149:5-6, Let the saints be joyful in glory; Let them sing aloud on their beds. 6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand. 愿圣民因所得的荣耀高兴,愿他们在床上欢呼。愿他们口中称赞 神为高,手里有两刃的刀,It says, 这里说,before you go to sleep, 在你睡觉前,you praise Him how great you are! 你赞美祂你真伟大!”You put on worship music, 你打开敬拜赞美诗歌, you exalt Jesus 你开始尊崇耶稣,rather than counting other’s wrongs 不去计算别人的恶,or worrying about the things you’re trying to sort out. 不去忧虑你想要解决的事。It says the praise of God in your mouth is like a “double-edged sword” in your hands. 这经文说,你口中对神的赞美如同手中一把两刃的刀It gives you the power to silence the enemy. 它赐给你制服仇敌的能力。Because you’re the gate of heaven. 因为你是天的门。 How many know that you’re the gate of heaven? 有多少人知道你自己就是天的门? In Gen 28, 在创世纪28章,Jacob had a dream of an open heaven, 雅各梦见天开了,when he woke up, he exclaimed, 他醒来就宣告说:How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.” “这地方何等可畏!这不是别的,乃是 神的殿,也是天的门。”(v:17) It says the house of God is the gate of heaven. 这里说神的殿是天的门。Jesus came to bring heaven down to us. 耶稣来把天堂带下来给我们。We’re the house of God, 我们是神的殿,which is the gate of heaven. 也是天的门。Ever since the Holy Spirit comes into us, 从圣灵进入我们里面那一刻起,each of us carries the gate of heaven. 我们每个人都承载着天的门。We have access to heaven. 我们可以进入属天的同在。

In Psalm100:4, enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. 当称谢进入他的门,当赞美进入他的院; With thanksgiving and praise we enter His gates into His presence. 我们若感恩、赞美,就进入祂的门,进入祂属天的同在。On the contrary, 相反,with anger, 若带着恼恨、bitterness, 苦毒、judgement, 论断、unforgiveness, 不饶恕all sorts of thoughts of the flesh, 和各样肉体的意念,we shut the gate of heaven, 我们就关上了属天的门,and give access to the power of hell to attack us, attack our families. 就给地狱的权势开门可以攻击我们自己和家人。That’s why we need to repent quickly, 这就是为什么我们需要快快地悔改,and run to the grace of God, 奔向神的恩典,and exalt Jesus. 高举耶稣。When I exalt Jesus, 当高举耶稣时,He becomes greater and greater, 祂就兴旺, the self becomes less and less. 我就衰微。 When I exalt Jesus, 当我高举耶稣时,He inhabits the praises of His people, 祂以祂子民的赞美为宝座,His throne comes down, 祂的宝座降下来,I’m opening up the realms of heaven for the presence of God to flow through me into the place where I am. 我就打开了天门,让神的同在藉着我流淌到我所在之地。What a great privilege and honor God gives us through His son Christ Jesus and His sacrificial love on that cross. 神藉祂的儿子基督耶稣和祂在十架上牺牲的爱,赐给我们何等的特权和荣耀。Would you please give our Lord Jesus a big clap? 要不要给我们的主耶稣大大的掌声?Yes, Lord, 是的主啊,we exalt You, 我们尊崇你,wherever we go, 无论我们往哪里去,through thanksgiving and praise, 藉着感恩和赞美,heaven comes down, 你的属天同在降下,glory will fill the earth. 你的荣耀充满全地。“O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!” “我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!



Yes, Lord, Jesus, 是的,主耶稣,You deserve the glory. 你配得一切的荣耀!You’re worthy of it all,你配得一切的赞美, coz You’re the Creator King, 因你是万物的造物主,Lord, we surrender to You.主,我们降服于你。 Let Your throne invade this place. 求你的宝座降临这地。Let Your glory fill this Place. 让你的荣耀充满这地。Lord, we exalt You. 主耶稣,我们赞美你。For Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and forever.因国度,权能和荣耀,永永远以远归你。 Let’s exalt Jesus. 我们尊崇你,Praise Him in your own language.用你自己的言语向神来赞美,Praise Him for who He is. 赞美祂是谁, Exalt Him for who He is.  高举祂是谁。

Today, I’ll put Psa 103:1-5, 17,22 on the screen, 今天我将诗篇103 1-51722,投影在屏幕上,you can practice praising the Lord according to the bible verses. 你可以借着圣经的真理来操练赞美。

Psa 103:1-5,17-22, Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,凡在我里面的,也要称颂他的圣名!2 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,不可忘记他的一切恩惠。3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 救赎你的命脱离死亡,以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕。5 who satisfies your desires with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 他用美物使你所愿的得以知足,以致你如鹰返老还童。17, But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children但耶和华的慈爱归于敬畏他的人,从亘古到永远;他的公义也归于子子孙孙,—22 Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the Lord, my soul. 你们一切被他造的,在他所治理的各处,都要称颂耶和华。我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华!

Praise the Lord, my soul, 我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华。I command all my inmost being, 我命令我里面的全人全心,to praise His holy name. 都要赞美祂圣洁的名。He is the Alpha and Omega, 他是阿拉法俄梅嘎。Yes, Lord,是的,主耶稣, You are the Beginning and the End.你是首先的,末后的 You’re our Heavenly Father,我们在天上的父,You are my Creator and my Saviour. 你是我的创造主,我的救赎主。Praise the Lord, my soul. 我的心啊,你要称颂耶和华。Don’t forget all His benefits. 不可忘记祂的一切恩惠。

Yes, my soul, 是的,我的心啊,don’t forget all the good things He has done for me. 不可忘记他在我身上一切美善作为。Give thanks to Jesus for what He has done for you…为主耶稣在你身上所做的来感谢祂……don’t forget all His benefits. 不可忘记祂的一切恩惠。

You haven’t repaid me what my sin deserves, 你没有照我的过犯待我,You are holy, 你是圣洁的, You know that by my fallen nature I can’t approach You, 你知道靠着我堕落的旧人不能接近你,yet You made a way for me through Your blood 藉着你的宝血给我开了一条鲜活的道路by faith I can approach You. 也因着信我得以接近你。You took my pain and rejection 你担当了我的忧痛和弃绝,and died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins,为赦免我的罪,死在十字架上 O, Lord,哦,主耶稣,You forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases.你赦免我的一切罪孽,医治我的一切疾病。 I praise you for being my Redeemer, 我赞美你做了我的救赎主,I thank You for Your Holy Spirit's conviction, correction, and protection in my life. 我感谢圣灵在我生命中的光照、纠正,和保守。

Forgive me for the times I misunderstood Your good will, 赦免我很多时候误解你的美意,forgive me for the times I didn’t see people and things with the eyes of the Holy Spirit,赦免我很多时候不能以圣灵的眼光来看待人和事, and I grieved the Holy Spirit, 我让圣灵担忧了 forgive me for the times…赦免我的很多时候 ……whatever comes to your mind,不论你想到什么, just tell the Father,只管告诉父神, He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases。他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病… He is faithful and just,祂是信实的,祂是公义的 if we confess our sins, 若我们认我们的罪He will forgive us, purify us from all unrighteousness and heal our diseases. 祂必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义并要医治我们

I praise you as my Jehovah Rapha, 我赞美你,耶和华拉法, my God who heals, 我的医治者。I praise You for being my faithful Shepherd, 我赞美你,你是我信实的大牧人,the God who has been my Shepherd all my life to this day. 你是牧养我一生,到如今都牧养我的神。Forgive me for the times I choose to worry rather than to trust in You.赦免我有时候选择忧虑过于信靠你。I praise You,  我赞美你,Jehovah Jireh, 耶和华以勒,the God who provides for all my needs.供应我一切的所需。

You are not just King, 你不只是一位王,but you are King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. 你却实实在在是万王之王,万主之主 And yes, you are Jesus, 是的,主耶稣,the name above all names. 你的名超乎万名之上。

Thank You for redeeming my life from the pit谢谢你从阴间赎买了我的性命,and crowning me with love and compassion. 又用爱和怜悯为我冠冕。 I praise Your unfailing love. 我赞美你永不止息的爱。You are my Comforter in sorrow, pain, or distress. 你是我在忧伤、悲痛或痛苦中的安慰者。I praise you for drawing near to me when I draw near to you. 我赞美你,当我亲近你,你也乐意亲近我。You are El Roi, 你是伊罗欣, the God who sees me, and You are Eternal, Lord. 你是在永恒里看见我们的神。You are my heavenly Father, 你是我们天上的阿爸父,and the father of the fatherless. 你是孤儿的父。How great you are and your faithfulness. 你的信实何等伟大 Everything You allow to happen to me is for me to grow in Your truth, 每一件允许临到我们的事,对我们的生命成长有益,so that I can be renewed 为让我被更新,and fulfil the original purpose You have for me.  成就你对我起初创造的目的。

With all my soul and heart, I praise You, Jesus.主耶稣,我全身心赞美 你,
You are the Messiah,
你是弥赛亚,the coming King. 再来的君王。You are omniscient; 你是无所不知的;you know all things. 你测透万事。You are omnipresent; 你无所不在;everywhere at all times. 随时随地。You are my Peace, my Protector, 你是我的平安,我的保护者,and the High Priest是大祭司, who became my Redeemer and Sacrifice forever. 是为我的救赎者,为我而献的永远的祭物。I praise you because You are trustworthy and true. 我赞美你,因为你信实可靠。You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 你是道路,真理,生命。

I give thanks to the LORD 我感谢你 ,主耶稣,because of Your righteousness 因你的公义 and sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. 高声赞美你至高的名。O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! 耶和华我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!


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