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2018-05-11 Loving Your Enemies Brings Wholeness 爱仇敌使你完全

发表于 2024-01-08

(Matt 5:43 – 48) (太5:43-48)

Last week we shared a message on上周我们分享的信息是 “do not resist an evil person不要与恶人作对, and don’t repay evil with evil不以恶报恶, but with good倒要以善报恶”. Because God will repay神必报应, and if we do this we will inherit a blessing我们这样做必承受祝福. Today今天, we are going on to the next part “love for enemies.”我们来看下一段“爱仇敌”。

Whom do you think are worthy of your love你觉得谁配你去爱 To whom will you repay with love对谁 你愿意去回报爱? Obviously显然, to those who love you and treat you nicely对爱你的、对你好的人, you will repay with love你会以爱回报; to those who always give you compliments and affirmation对总是称赞和肯定你的人, you will repay with love你会以爱回报; To those who spend time with you and help you when you are in need在你有需要时陪你、帮助你的人, you will repay with love你会以爱回报; to those who give you gifts to say that you are always kept in their minds对送你礼物、表明他们总想着你的人, you’ll repay with love你会以爱回报. That’s the way human nature’s love is这就是人天然的爱!

In the fallen nature在堕落的人性里, we love those who love us我们爱那爱我们的人, and hate those who hurt and reject us恨那些伤害我们、拒绝我们的人. But by going on in that way可是,这样走下去, our hearts are broken我们的心受伤, and our relationships are broken我们的人际关系会破裂, our lives are broken我们的生命会破败, brokenness is the result of that way结果就是破败的样子. Now here comes the hope但现在我们有盼望! By faith in our Saviour Jesus’ words we can be made whole信救主耶稣的话语,我们就可得完全! Although sometimes it’s hard to understand尽管有时候难以明白.

Let’s read Matt 5:43-48我们来读《太5:43-4843 “You have heard that it was said你们听见有话说, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy 当爱你的邻舍,恨你的仇敌.’ 44 But I tell you只是我告诉你们, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you 要爱你们的仇敌,为那逼迫你们的祷告, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven 这样,就可以作你们天父的儿子. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good因为他叫日头照好人,也照歹人, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous降雨给义人,也给不义的人. 46 If you love those who love you你们若单爱那爱你们的人, what reward will you get有什么赏赐呢? Are not even the tax collectors doing that就是税吏不也是这样行吗? 47 And if you greet only your own brothers你们若单请你弟兄的安, what are you doing more than others比人有什么长处呢? Do not even pagans do that就是外邦人不也是这样行吗? 48 Be perfect, therefore所以你们要完全, as your heavenly Father is perfect象你们的天父完全一样.

1, Loving your enemies can transform the nature 爱仇敌可改变本性

As Christians作为基督徒, I believe that we all care about How we can be made whole我信我们全都想成为完全人. This passage simply tells us这段话明明白白地说, “be perfect, therefore所以你们要完全, as your heavenly Father is perfect象你们的天父完全一样.” By doing what in faith can make us be perfect我们做什么可以成为完全人? Can we the broken really be made perfect我们的破败真的可以得完全? The answer is “Yes”答案是“是”! Because God words says this因神这样说! “As for God, His way is perfect. 至于神,祂的道是完全的。 Psa 18:30a(诗18:30上) So if we walk in His perfect way, we will be made whole!

Jesus our Lord in His greatest Sermon tells us 主耶稣在祂的讲道中说(v.46-47), What reward will we get if we are still following in the footsteps of non-believers我们跟从不信的人,能得到什么赏赐呢? No reward没有赏赐! In other words换句话说, if we only love our friends and those who love us我们若单那爱我们的人,我们的朋友, we will receive no reward from our Heavenly Father在天父那里就没有赏赐了, as even gentiles (non-believers) do things that way就算外邦人(不信的人)也这样行. Do you know how serious it would be for us to receive “No reward”你知道“没有赏赐”的后果有多严重吗? It means that we will waste our time to live in this world 就是说, if we still live in the old way after we’ve become Christians若信主后还是照旧人的样子活, 在地上就是白活,because there will be no transformation in us if we only love those who love us我们若单爱爱我们的人, and we only greet those who give us compliments若单问候称赞我们的人,内里就不会有生命的改变. Our Lord teaches this主这样教导我们, “You have heard that it was said你们听见有话说, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy当爱你的邻舍,恨你的仇敌.’ 44 But I tell you只是我告诉你们, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you要爱你们的仇敌,为那逼迫你们的祷告”.

We all know that loving our enemies is against human nature我们都知道,爱仇敌是背乎人本性的. We naturally oppose and hate our enemies我们本性就是敌对并恨仇敌, or at least或者至少, we treat them with a cold shoulder and keep our distance我们会不理他们,和他们保持距离. Some may ask有些人会说, “why should I love my enemies我为啥要爱仇敌? Why should I hurt myself to love the people who hurt me为啥要伤害自己去爱那害自己的人?” Because God loves you因神爱你, not only does He want to forgive your sins祂不但想要赦免你的罪, but also He wants to transform your brokenness into His perfection还想把你的破败不完全改变成象祂一样的完全, and then you will be made whole那时你就完全了, which is 就是“that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven. v.45 这样,就可以做天父的儿子。45 And you may  receive His full rewards as a result这样你可以从祂那里得到完全的赏赐. This is not a personality reform这不是一种个性的改造, but a radical transformation而是一种彻底的改变, which starts from renewing our minds as to how we see things那是从我们看待事物的思维角度开始更新.

Last week上周, I talked a little bit about the story of how God refined my faith by putting an enemy in my home我讲到一点个人见证,神怎样在我家里放进一个仇敌,来炼净我的信心. Today今天, I’m gonna share with you how God changed my view to see things through my enemy我再和大家分享神怎样借着我的仇敌改变我看事情的角度, so that I found that an enemy is used by God to bless us后来我发现仇敌是神用来祝福我们的.

I said that she had a crush on Raymond when she was living with us上次说到那女孩住在我家时暗恋Raymond, but the worse thing was not that she had a crush on Raymond更糟糕的还不是她暗恋Raymond, but that she was captured by the real enemy而是她被真正的仇敌掳去, so she did whatever she wanted于是想干啥就干啥. Like比如, at every meal we had together every single day我们每天都一起吃饭, she deliberately waited until Raymond sat down她总是特地等Raymond坐下, then she immediately sat down beside him然后马上坐在他旁边; I remember that once at the table she picked up Raymond’s cell phone有一次,在饭桌上她拿起Raymond的手机, and read all his messages把所有信息都翻看过去, then she pointed at one message and questioned him in jealousy指着其中一条吃醋地说, “who is this这是谁? Is this a man男人写的? Or a woman还是女人写的?” we were all stunned by her attitude她的举动让我们都很吃惊. “what’s wrong with her? 天哪 她出啥问题了” The only thing we could do was to keep silence当时我们唯一能做的就是都不说话. She pushed me down three times when she was unhappy她不高兴的时候三次把我推倒, she just did it说推就推了.

Once一次, after I had placed money inside an envelope 我准备好钱放在信封里, I asked her问她, “do you still have pin money to spend你还有钱零花吗?” She suddenly blew up 她突然发火and pushed me down to a chair, and said把我推倒在椅子上,说, “How come you didn’t know until now你为什么现在才知道?” I was stunned我傻了, I knew that my heart tried to say我知道我心里想说, “Lord主啊, do I owe her我欠她啊?” But I dared not to think in such a way可我不敢那样想, because I didn’t want to be captured by the evil one我不想被恶者掳去, so I turned to God’s forgiveness and love to love her continually于是我转向神,一次又一次地饶恕、爱她.

Once还有一次, as we were going somewhere我们要去某个地方, when Raymond was about to drivRaymond要开车, she immediately sat in the passenger seat她马上坐在副驾驶位上, I didn’t say anything and sat in the back seat我什么都没说,就去后排坐. Then, she started to ask Raymond然后她开始问Raymond, “Do you love a fat or a thin woman你喜欢胖女人还是瘦女人?” Raymond held back his anger, Raymond强忍怒气, and said, “I love the woman who is thin 我喜欢瘦女人.” Because she was fat 因她有些胖. Then, she turned around and pointed at me, and said 她就转过身来指着我说“What’s good about thinness瘦有什么好? She is like a bamboo象根竹竿!” I was stunned by how a person could lose her conscience like that一个人无知无觉到这种地步实在让我吃惊!Think about it想想看, a person who has no job一个人没工作, no money没钱, and no place to stay没地方住, whom you accepted你接待她, you gave her a place to stay给她地方住, and gave her money to spend给她钱花, and loved her by forgiving her wrong doings over and over爱她,一次又一次原谅她的所作所为, but she still tries to kill you她却还想杀死你, that’s crazy真是疯了! But when I continuously turned to God但我继续转向神, it seemed a voice in my heart , said好像有个声音在我心里说, “Do you believe that your life will be blessed, promoted and renewed through sharing in the suffering of Christ if you obey Him and love your enemy over and over? 你若遵行祂旨意爱仇敌,与基督一同受苦,你信你的生命会被祝福、被提升、被更新吗?Do you believe that this is the way I am going to bless you not harm you? 你信这是我用来祝福你的,而不是害你的,你信吗?”  Yes, I experienced that it’s true我经历了,这是真的祝福! When I looked back I praise God for His marvellous salvation当我回头看,我赞美神奇妙的拯救!

This is what the Son Christ Jesus has gone through这就是神儿子耶稣基督所走的路. The bible says经上说, Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from what he suffered. Heb 5:8 他虽然为儿子,还是因所受的苦难学了顺从。(来5:8 He showed his obedience to the Father by suffering even to the point of death他顺服天父,受苦至死. Loving our enemies is against human nature爱仇敌背乎人类天性, because our natural desires will suffer, if we choose to love not to complain or blame若我们选择去爱而不是抱怨责怪, 我们天然的情欲会觉难受受苦,  For the sinful nature and the Holy Spirit are in conflict with each other因情欲和圣灵相争 (see Gal 5: 17-18,见《加拉太书5:17-18)

One day during this week这周的一天, I was too busy to have the lunch因为太忙了没有吃午餐, when I went back home我回家后, I did nearly 40 minuets cycling as a workout because I knew that my body needed it我踩了40分钟单车来锻炼身体,因为我知道这是身体必需的 then I had to continue to sit in front of the computer to work until 8:30pm然后就坐在电脑前一直工作到八点半。Normal we don’t have dinner because we’ve found that it’s good both for our minds and bodies.  通常我们不吃晚餐因为我们发现这对我们的心灵和身体都有益。But that day I was very hugry但那天很饿. So I said to Raymond于是我对丈夫说, “Could you please make a soup for me? I’m working.能给我做个汤吗?我在工作” After I had said this当我说完, I could feel that my deep heart was unhappy with Raymond我的心好像对他有不满, “why didn’t you cook some soup for me while you are free to do it?为什么你有空都不帮我做个汤啊” But I dared not think in that way但我不敢那样去想. Of course, I didn’t complian about it当然没有抱怨他, but I asked God to clease my heart instead只就求神洁净我的心.  Thanks to my husband, who made some soup for me. 感谢我的丈夫他给我做了汤. But God didn’t let it go但神没有放过这事. In the night, I had a dream晚上我做了个梦, in which, God used a metaphor to tell me神用了一个比喻告诉我, if I didn’t love at the moment when I felt suffering even though I didn’t complian or blame在受苦的时候我没有去爱,就算没有抱怨责怪, it’s still like being naked before God在神面前仍是赤身露体, because to put on Christ is to love因披戴基督就是去爱. Love is not passive but active爱不是被动的,而是主动的! I thank God for His correction感谢主的指正! which can always guide us to walk in His straight way总是引导我们行在正路上! No one likes suffering没有人喜欢受苦, but suffering for what the sinful nature desires is necessary for us to take a step into radical transformation但叫属罪的情欲受苦,是我们步入彻底改变的必须步骤.

The apostle Peter testified that radical transformation使徒彼得见证了这种彻底改变, the victorious life of overcoming sins can only be found in those who arm themselves with the same attitude as Christ Jesus只有那些以基督的心为心的人,才能有胜过罪的得胜生命, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin 因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires你们存这样的心,从今以后就可以不从人的情欲, but rather the will of God只从神的旨意. see 1 Peter 4:1-2. 见《彼得前书4:1-2Loving our enemies makes our natural desires suffer爱仇敌让我们的情欲受苦, but by suffering pain and death to the natural desires of unforgiveness但借着治死情欲,让情欲受苦,治死如不饶恕, hatred仇恨, retaliation报复, rejection拒绝, judgemental thoughts论断 and all sorts of negative things及各种负面思想等, and if in faith we turn to love our enemies我们在信心里转向爱仇敌, we are radically transformed into Christ’s likeness就会彻底改变成基督的样式。

2, Loving your enemies can promote and bless you.爱仇敌可以提升你,带给你祝福

Does anyone like to have enemies有没有人喜欢有敌人的? I mean like a close friend who betrays you比如一个出卖你的好朋友? A person who misunderstands or insults you一个误解你或得罪你的人? People who hate you许多恨你的人? No不会, I don’t think so我想不会. But do you believe that enemies are ordained to bless you但你信不信仇敌是命定来祝福你的? Do you believe that enemies are your training partners信不信仇敌是你的陪练, to help you to reach your goal of what you are supposed to be in God’s plan来帮助你达成神为你设定的目标? From the whole bible we can see我们看到整本圣经里, that enemies are created for God’s chosen people to promote them仇敌是为提升神选民所预备的. Without their enemies they can’t reach their destiny没有仇敌就不能达成命定.

Joseph wouldn’t have been in charge of Egypt if his ten brothers hadn’t betray him and sold him to Egypt若他的10个弟兄没有出卖他,把他卖到埃及,他就不能成为管理埃及的宰相. His ten brothers were ordained to bless him not to harm him他的十个兄弟是被命定来祝福他的,而不是害他的. As in the dream Joseph had when they bowed down to him (see Gen 37:6) 就象约瑟梦到他的兄弟向他下拜(创37:6. It meant that they were going to promote him就是说他们要提升他, although the situation looked likely to harm him虽然环境看起来更象是要害他. But when Joseph forgave and loved his enemies但约瑟原谅了他们,爱了仇敌, he reached the goal that God had set for him他达成了神为他设定的目标! The dream became true那梦成就了!

For about 15 years十五年的时间, David was persecuted and chased by his enemy King Saul大卫被扫罗王逼迫追杀, and Saul the king tried to kill David扫罗王想要杀他, God could have changed King Saul’s heart and stopped him from chasing David神当然可以拨动扫罗王的心,使他不追杀大卫, because “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it whatever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1” 因“王的心在耶和华手中,好像陇沟的水随意流转。(箴言21:1God could have made King Saul a friend of Davids to bless him神使扫罗王成为朋友, 用朋友来祝福大卫 but God didn’t use his friends to bless him但神没有用朋友来祝福大卫, but his enemies而是借着仇敌.

That’s why we don’t have to complain因此我们就不必抱怨, “God神啊, why为什么? Why is this happening to me为什么会发生在我身上? Why is the situation so hard for me为什么环境这么难?” Your enemy could be a person who opposes you仇敌可以是反对你的人, or it could be a hard situation可以是艰难的环境, or a physical disease可是身体疾病, or anything that is going the opposite way to what you want或是朝着相反方向发展的任何事, 任何你不喜欢的事  Don’t be discouraged and disappointed不要灰心,也不要失望! The opposition isn’t ordained to stop you 敌对派不是被命定来阻止你, but to build you up而是建造你! If you stick to God’s words in faith你若凭信抓住神的话, and love the people who oppose you爱那些反对你的人, you will be blessed to reach a higher level you never even knew about 你会经历到前所未有的祝福! That’s God’s way of blessing you这是神祝福你的方式! “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood, The Lord is enthroned as King forever. Pas 29:10” 洪水泛滥时,耶和华坐着为王,箴2910.

When you really follow the Lord当你真的跟随主, God will show His way to bless you神会彰显祂的道来祝福你! The Lord sits enthroned over the flood洪水泛滥时,耶和华坐着为王,  It means that unless you go through the flood as a testing of your faith这是说只有你经历洪水的试炼, you won’t really know that He sits enthroned over the flood你不能真知道祂在洪水以上坐在为王, and that He is much powerful than your hard situation祂比你的困境大的多, and than your enemies比你的敌人大的多! Enemies are ordained to train you仇敌是被命定来训练你, promote you提升你, and bless you祝福你, not to defeat you不是打败你, if you do whatever God commands you to do只要你遵行神的一切命令! David said大卫说: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5在我敌人面前,你为我摆设筵席。(诗篇23:5

If you don’t understand this principle如果你不明白这个法则, you will get frustrated or discouraged就会灰心丧胆, and ask会问 “God, why神啊,为什么?” But if you believe that a table of abundance is not gonna turn up before your friends可是,如果你信,丰盛的筵席不是要在你朋友面前摆开, but before your enemies而是你的仇敌, you put your trust in doing whatever He commands 你因信而行神命令的, God will lift you up before your enemies!神的旨意是要举起你! If you overcome it你若胜过, you will step into a new level in Christ就要步入基督里的新的高度, and all your enemies will see it and be ashamed所有仇敌都会看到、都会羞愧! Becaseu of God’s abundant overflow through your faith in a hard situation因神的丰盛是在艰难中借着你的信心涌流出来! And when You defeat your enemies in the heavenly realms even angels will shout for joy当你打败天空的仇敌,天使都要欢呼! And give praise to God并赞美神! You therefore glorify God’s name你因此荣耀了神的名!

Isn’t that exciting是不是很兴奋? I preach on this truth我传讲这个真理, because I have tasted a glimpse of its reality因我尝到了一点这真理的实际, that’s quite true真的很真实! So we pray因此我们来祷告, “God神啊, change our sight to see things in the perspectives based on your truth求你更新我们的眼光,让我们从真理的角度看待事情, right now现在就更新我们!” Maybe today或许今天, you are facing some kind of enemy你正面对仇敌, it could be a person who opposes you这仇敌可以是人他敌对你, it could be an enemy to your health可以是一个病成为你的仇敌, in your job and in your finances或者是你的工作,你的钱财, and in your relationship或是在你的人际关系里, let’s stop doubting God我们不要怀疑神! But turn to trusting in God’s promise而是相信神的应许, and do good whatever God commands行神所吩咐的! And believe that a table of abundance will show up before your enemies 并信在你的仇敌面前将会摆设丰盛的筵席, if you live by faith若你信心而行! God says神说, “So do not throw away your confidence所以,你们不可丢弃勇敢的心; it will be richly rewarded存这样的心必得大赏赐…38 But my righteous one will live by faith只是义人必因信得生. Heb 10:35-36, 38(来10:35-36,38 Your enemy is ordained for your good in God’s plan仇敌是神命定来使你得益处的! They’re going to see that you’ll be promoted他们会看到你被提升, blessed蒙祝福, vindicated被称义, and able to share in Christ’s victory 看见你在基督的得胜if you live by faith and do whatever God commands若你因信而遵行神一切命令!

3, Loving your enemies brings comfort overflowing 爱仇敌,安慰涌流

Did Jesus Christ know that Judas was his betrayer when he accepted him as one the Twelve主耶稣选十二门徒时,知不知道犹大会出卖祂? Yes, he did他知道. Judas was ordained to betray Jesus犹大被命定要出卖耶稣, which was in God’s plan这也在神的计划中. Nothing happens by accident没有偶然! Even in the OT就算在《旧约》里, it was prophesied about Judas 都预言了犹大that “he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. Psa 41:9b 我所倚靠吃过我饭的,也用脚踢我。(诗篇41:9下)It prophesies that Jesus would be betrayed by someone who was close to him它预言耶稣会被与他关系亲密的人出卖. It was a plan of God that He deliberately put an enemy in the ministry team of Jesus Christ神特地在耶稣基督的服事团队中给他安排了一个仇敌,这是神的计划. That was the most comforting for me to meditate on默想这句话最能安慰到我, when God put that girl as my betrayer to live with us for four years神安排这个出卖我的女孩和我们同住的那四年, but it was really a blessing for me这事却成了我的真祝福! Because the comfort I tasted in that hard situation was much deeper than in the easy times因在困境中我所尝到的安慰,大大胜过轻松的环境.  2 Cor 1: 3-5,《林后1:3-5Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ愿颂赞归与我们的主耶稣基督的父神, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的神, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles我们在一切患难中,他就安慰我们, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God叫我们能用神所赐的安慰去安慰那遭各样患难的人. 5 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ我们既多受基督的苦楚, so also our comfort abounds through Christ就靠基督多得安慰。

Can you see你看到吗? Trouble患难, persecution迫害, and suffering 苦楚have their purpose都有神美好的旨意, that is to bless us with experiencing God’s comfort就是叫我们经历神的安慰. The deeper the comfort we taste我们所尝的安慰越深, the more comfort we are able to give out我们所能给出的安慰就越多. If we share abundantly in the suffering of Christ我们若多受基督的苦楚, our comfort will abound through Christ也靠基督多得安慰. The Lord主耶稣, our comforter我们的安慰者, if he hadn’t been betrayed by Judas若他没有被犹大出卖, there wouldn’t have been a crucifixion就不会被钉死, without suffering the cross没有十字架上的受难, there wouldn’t have been resurrection and salvation就不会有复活和拯救! When Judas was going to betray Jesus当犹大就要卖主, he didn’t stop him他没有阻止. Comfort overflows from His nailed hands, feet and his whole body从祂钉痕手、脚和全身涌流出安慰. Our nature is always struggling when things aren’t going our way当事情不照我们的意思进行,我们的老我总是挣扎, we get disappointed or upset我们或失望或沮丧, or even get bitter甚或苦毒, and question God并质问神说, “why为什么? Why is this happening to me为什么会发生在我身上?” Because our natural minds don’t like things that are getting tough to our eyes因我们天然人的思想不喜欢困难. We want God to remove them out of our way我们希望神把它们挪去. But if God did whatever you wished但神若什么事都照你的意思做了, you would never become the one you are supposed to be你就不能成为像耶稣! You would never change你永远不会被改变! That’s sad那太不幸了!

We thank God我们感谢神! Who is using our enemies for our good神使用我们的仇敌叫我们得益处! It’s all God’s plan这都是神的计划! Therefore因此, loving your enemies爱你的仇敌 (I mean people who oppose you or criticize you爱那些反对你、挑剔你的人) is embracing God’s plan就是拥抱神的计划! When you act on your faith to love your enemies over and over当你反复操练信心爱仇敌, God will do His part of defeating your true enemies that’s the devil 神就会做祂该做的事,就算帮你打败你真正的仇敌 and will bring you to wholeness使你成为完全, and make you a comforting vessel for many使你成为可以安慰许多人的器皿! “Be perfect, therefore所以你们要完全, as your heavenly Father is perfect像你们的天父完全一样. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good祂叫日头照好人,也照歹人, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous降雨给义人,也给不义的人. V. 48,45(第48,45节)

So dear brothers and sisters亲爱的弟兄姊妹, don’t complain about the person who mistreats you or betrays you不要抱怨那恶待你、出卖你的人, if they look down on you他们若藐视你, if they speak evil words about you他们若说你坏话你, or try to push you down若他们要推到你, pray for those who persecute you为逼迫你的祷告, bless those who curse you为咒诅你们的祝福. Love those who hate you恨你们的人要爱他们. You will experience abundant comfort through sharing in the suffering of Christ就可以借着与基督一同受苦,而经历丰盛的安慰! And there will be more经历越多, you then will become an abundantly comforting vessel of God to comfort others effectively and powerfully!你就会成为为更多人带来极大安慰的器皿! A comforting and healing vessel to many为多人的安慰和医治的器皿! A blessing to many in the Kingdom of God在神的国度里成为多人的祝福! You will be reaching the highest potential that you are supposed to have你将会进入到一个神为你预备的高度!

Don’t complain about a hard situation that you are facing不要为面对的艰难抱怨, remember that Goliath was created for David to defeat记住歌利亚是为被大卫打败而创造的, all troubles or hardship are like Goliath that come across your lives 你生命中所有艰难困苦都像歌利亚一样, but they are only for you to defeat them in Christ但他们是仅仅为你在基督里去打败他们而命定的! Because Christ has risen因基督已复活, who is in you祂在你里面, like Paul the apostle said就像使徒保罗所说, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phi 4:13 我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能做。《腓4:13In your hardship在艰难困苦中, believe that a table is prepared for you信 丰盛的筵席已预备好, in the presence of your enemies就在你敌人面前, God is ready to work for the good in all things for you 神已经准备叫万事为你而效力if you love Him by obeying His words只要你爱祂遵行祂的话! Love your enemies爱你的仇敌, be perfect成为完全, as your heavenly Father is perfect像你们的天父完全一样!  


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