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2022-06-19 Spiritual Warfare & Strongholds 属灵争战 & 坚固营垒(1)

发表于 2024-01-08

(Eph 6:10-18)

Many years ago许多年前 a young man asked me a question, 一个年轻人问我 “I really wanna have a closer relationship with Jesus我很想和神建立好关系 and be a blessing to others成为他人的祝福, and I do study the Word of God and pray 我也读经祷告, but there’s always anger in my heart, 但我里面有个愤怒 many times I wanna kill people许多时候我想杀人.” That’s pretty intensive这太严重了. I enquired of God, 我去求问神 God revealed that it was generational spiritual attack. 神启示这是从祖代来的属灵攻击. After I had led him in a prayer of confession and forgiveness over his dad在我带他做了悔改和饶恕父亲的祷告后, the desire of killing left and peace came into his heart杀人的欲望离开了,平安进入他的心. This is spiritual warfare. 这是属灵争战。

Today, we’ll learn a little bit about Spiritual warfare through Eph 6:10-12 今天我们要借着弗610-12来认识属灵争战:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 【弗6:10-1810我还有末了的话:你们要靠着主,倚赖他的大能大力,作刚强的人。11要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。12因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战(两争战原文都作摔跤)。13所以,要拿起 神所赐的全副军装,好在磨难的日子抵挡仇敌,并且成就了一切,还能站立得住。14所以要站稳了,用真理当作带子束腰,用公义当作护心镜遮胸,15又用平安的福音当作预备走路的鞋穿在脚上。16此外又拿着信德当作藤牌,可以灭尽那恶者一切的火箭。17并戴上救恩的头盔,拿着圣灵的宝剑,就是 神的道。18靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求,并要在此警醒不倦,为众圣徒祈求,

1, Why Spiritual warfare? Is it for me? 为什么要打属灵争战?我也要打吗?(v.10-11

Today, 今天,we’ll only look at v.10-12, 我们只看10-12节, and we may need three Sundays to finish this passage. 我们可能需要三个主日才能分享完这段。 We’ll see how it goes. 我们将看情况而定。The Mandarin bible group has been studying the book of Ephesians since the beginning of the year. 中文查经小组从今年初开始一直在查考以弗所书。This book tells us 这卷书告诉我们,that we were born again for full sonship through Jesus Christ (Eph1:5), 我们藉着耶稣基督重生,是为得着完全的儿子的名分(1:5)we’re to be transformed into Christlikeness to receive what Jesus has我们要改变成为基督的样式,得耶稣的产业,and reign with Him when He returns (Re 21:7).当主再来时可以与祂一同作王。For this reason, 为这个缘故,we’re called to reach maturity and unity in Christ, 我们被选召,要在基督里合一并长成基督的身量,through building our personal relationship with Jesus, 藉着与耶稣建立个人的关系,by denying the will of the old self 放下旧人的意思,to being led to walk by the Spirit of truth (Eph 4: 17-32), 被真理的圣灵引导(弗4:17-32),being equipped and empowered by Him被祂装备、赐能力, to love and serve the body of Christ (the Church) humbly, 可以谦卑的去爱、去服事祂的身体(就是教会)until reaching church wide unity in Christ 直到各教会众人在基督里合一( Eph4:1-13)

The book of Ephesians explains how the Church comes to full spiritual maturity in Christ. 以弗所书解释了教会如何能在基督里达到属灵的完全成熟。 I love it, 我爱这卷书,coz this is one of the books that hugely transformed my life in my early Christian life. 因为它是在我最初成为基督徒时期极大地翻转了我生命的书卷之一。We all have experienced change in Christ. 我们都曾经历过在基督里的改变。 But change should be ongoing. 但这改变应当持续下去。

The Parable of the Sower tells us 撒种的比喻告诉我们,that we can be stuck somewhere and become unfruitful. 我们可能会被困在某处,以至于不能结果子。There’s a battle around being fruitful. 这是一场关乎能否结果子的争战。There’s battle around our lives, 在我们的生活中有争战 our emotions情绪上有争战, even our finances. 甚至财务上也有争战。Our spiritual adversaries don’t want us to be blessed, 我们属灵的仇敌不愿意我们得祝福,and to be like Jesus. 也不愿意我们像耶稣。 He tempts us by the worries of life, 它用世上的思虑、the deceitfulness of wealth and other things, 钱财的迷惑和别样的私欲,to prevent us from growing into maturity and fulfilling our purpose. 拦阻我们长大成人、实现目标。So Paul encourages us in Eph 6:10,所以保罗这样鼓励我们在610Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.我还有末了的话:你们要靠着主,倚赖他的大能大力,作刚强的人。The Greek word “strong” is “endunamoo”, 希腊语中的“刚强”一词是“endunamoo”,which also means “inherent power”, 也表示“内在的力量”、 increase in strength, 增大力量、and be made strong. 使刚强起来。How can we be made strong in the Lord? 我们怎样才能在主里刚强?

V.11, “Put on the whole armour of God, that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 11要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。How many people really know我们当中有多少人真知道, that you have an adversary 你有一个仇敌,who is trying his best to defeat you every single day它每天都绞尽脑汁想要击败你,just as he defeated Adam and Eve. 如同击败亚当和夏娃一样。Adam and Eve are people of God, 亚当和夏娃是神的子民,but they haven’t reached the maturity to fulfil their call, 但他们没有长成儿子的样子得以完成呼召,that is to produce children carrying the fruit of the Holy Spirit, 就是生养出传递圣灵果子的儿女,and sharing the kingship with Jesus on earth. 可以与耶稣在地上同掌王权。

Because they listened to the devil, 因他们听信了魔鬼的话,and failed the spiritual battle. 属灵争战失败了。Here, 这节经文里,God calls us to do something. 神呼召我们去做一些事。Put on the whole armour of God祂让我们穿戴神所赐的全副军装, to stay in Christ’s victory. 住在基督的得胜里。The battle has already been won by Christ Jesus. 基督耶稣已经得胜了这场争战。Then why Spiritual warfare? 可为什么我们还要打属灵争战呢?Because God wants the reality of the victory of Christ to be manifested through our lives因为神盼望基督得胜的实际可以从我们身上彰显出来,that we may carry His character, 我们可以带着祂的性情,His power and authority to subdue the enemy, 祂的能力和权柄来制伏仇敌。The purpose of Spiritual warfare is for our promotion. 属灵争战的目的是为了提升我们。Jesus showed an example to us, 耶稣为我们树立了榜样,in Luke 4, 在路4章,Jesus won the battle in the wilderness, 耶稣在旷野得胜了争战,and he carried the victorious power of God when he returned to Galilee, 他带着神得胜的能力回到加利利,and he started to demonstrate God victorious power by casting out demons to set people free. 藉着赶逐污鬼、使人得释放,彰显神得胜的能力。We’re also called to carry the power of Christ to set people free. 我们也同样被呼召,要成为神能力的传递者,释放人得自由。But you must overcome temptation但是你必须胜过试探, to show that Jesus’ victorious power in you is real. 以显明耶稣得胜的能力在你里面是真的。 So whenever there’s spiritual warfare, 所以无论何时有属灵争战发生,God’s intention is for you to be victorious, 神的旨意都是要你得胜,not for your defeat. 不是要你失败。There's always something to be won. 总有一些争战需要去胜过。Whatever level of spiritual maturity we have, 无论我们处在怎样的属灵成长阶段, we all have battles to win. 我们都需要去胜过争战。(You have battle to win)

This is a command for every believer. 这是对每一个信徒的命令。 “Put on the whole armour of God,” 要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装, There’s no exception. 没有例外。Remember? 记得吗? In 2 Tim 1:7, 在提后1:7中,Paul the apostle reminded young Timothy, 使徒保罗提醒年轻的提摩太,although he was a third generation Christian尽管他是第三代基督徒,he was still involved in spiritual warfare, 他仍需去打属灵争战,and Paul called Timothy’s enemy a spirit of fear. 保罗称提摩太的仇敌是一个胆怯的灵。The spiritual force tried to manipulate his mind and thoughts那属灵的力量试图操纵他的心思意念,by filling him with fear and shame, 使他的心充满惧怕和羞耻感,to hold him back from being fruitful, 以拦阻他结果子,so that he might become intimidated and unfruitful. 使他惧怕、不能结果子。There’s no exceptions. 看,没有例外。We all are involved in spiritual warfare. 我们都在属灵争战中。But Christ has overcome但基督已经得胜了。The last Adam is the life-giving Spirit within us末后的亚当是我们里面赐生命的灵。Through spiritual warfare通过属灵的争战,God expects the indwelling life-giving Spirit who may free us from the law of sin and death神期望内住赐生命的圣灵将我们从罪和死亡的律中释放出来, and manifest His resurrection power through our faith to defeat our enemies并彰显他的复活大能,借着我们的信打败我们的敌人。In the battle, God expects us to act like the last Adam, not the first Adam在争战中,神期望我们像末后的亚当,而不是第一个亚当,so that we can be elevated使我们可以被提升。

2, Is our battle against people? (V.12) 我们是要赢过人吗?(12节)

V. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 12因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战(两争战原文都作摔跤)。We’re surrounded by conflict. 我们的四围都有争战。But our adversaries aren’t people, 但我们的仇敌不是人,but evil spirits we can’t see. 而是我们看不见的恶灵。 Eph 3:10, His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. 【弗3:10】为要藉着教会使天上执政的、掌权的,现在得知 神百般的智慧。 The Church is called to a warfare not against people but against spiritual force in the unseen world.神呼召教会不是和人去争战,乃是和看不见的属灵世界争战 “oh, I must beat you. “哦,我一定要赢过你。Or I’ll lose face.” 否则我就被人看不起了。”

That’s not a principle of the Kingdom of light, 这不是光明国度的法则,we’ve been influenced by principles of the kingdom of darkness for a long time. 我们长期以来一直受黑暗国度法则的影响。This’s the time for us to change! 如今到了该改变的时候了!Even if I’m beat you, 即使我打败了你,I still can’t get out of the torment of family curses. 我还是无法摆脱家族诅咒的折磨。 Our enemies are not people, 我们的仇敌不是人,but evil powers behind people to influence the way people think and act. 而是隐藏在人背后影响人的思想行为的邪恶力量。Have you had an experience like this? 你有过这样的经历吗? You had been filled with joy and peace at a church service, 你在聚会中被喜乐和平安充满了,but your excitement didn’t last long, 但你的兴奋并没有持续多久,you got angry straight away after church, 聚会后你立马就生气了,and your joy was gone 你的喜乐也消失了,because your children made trouble, 因为你的孩子捣乱,or your spouse did something not to your liking. 或者配偶做事不合你的心意。There’s a spiritual warfare around our families, our marriages, and our relationships, and around finances. 在我们的家庭、婚姻、人际关系以及财务上都会有属灵争战。

1 Peter 彼前5:8, Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 务要谨守、警醒,因为你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。Notice, 请注意, this teaching is from Peter’s personal experience. 这个教导来源于彼得的个人经历。Remember? 还记得吗? Peter the apostle had followed Jesus passionately, 彼得曾热情地跟随耶稣,but he failed miserably. 但却大大地失败了。He denied Jesus three times on the night when Jesus was arrested. 在耶稣被捕的那个晚上,他三次不认耶稣。

Peter had sworn to Jesus, 彼得曾向耶稣发誓说: “Even if all fall away, I’ll not.” “虽然众人都跌倒,我却永不跌倒。”But he failed miserably. 但他却惨败了。You may say, 你可能会说,this is because Peter believed in himself rather than Jesus. 这是因为彼得信他自己,却不是耶稣。Yes, that’s right. 是的,没错。But what should he have believed? 但是他应该信什么呢? He should have believed Jesus’ warning about spiritual warfare. 他应该相信耶稣关于属灵争战的警告。Luke 22:31,“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” 【路22:31-3231主又说:西门,西门!撒但想要得着你们,好筛你们像筛麦子一样。32但我已经为你祈求,叫你不至于失了信心,你回头以后,要坚固你的弟兄。 Jesus is saying, 耶稣在说,“You have an enemy that you don’t see, “你们有个看不见的仇敌,he is trying to beat you. 想要打败你们。Although you’ll stumble, 你们虽然会失脚,I’ve prayed that your faith won’t fail.” 但我祈求你们不至于失了信心。” Peter learnt Spiritual warfare 彼得学到了属灵争战,and experienced Jesus unfailing love through his failure, 借着跌倒他经历了神无尽的慈爱,now Peter is telling us, 彼得在告诉我们,“You have a spiritual enemy”. “你有一个属灵的仇敌” The enemy’s target is personal. 仇敌的目标是针对个人的,His target is you and me. 这目标是你和我,His goal is to devour our faith, 他的目的是吞吃我们的信心,which is to get our eyes off Jesus 使我们不再定睛耶稣,and to gaze upon someone or somewhere else, 而是定睛在人和环境,then he starts to fill us with lies, 接着再用谎言充满我们:

“Your enemy is him. “这人是你的仇敌,Your enemy is your mum and dad, 你爸爸妈妈是你的仇敌,your child, 你的孩子是你的仇敌,your spouse, 你的配偶是你的仇敌,your adversary is people…这些人是你的仇敌……He doesn’t respect you; 他不尊重你,he rejects you; 他拒绝你,judge him and hate him...” 论断他,恨他……” When you listen to the enemy, 一旦你听了仇敌的声音,you start to feel hostile towards people. 就会开始向人生出敌意,You’re out. 你就失败了。Then your joy, peace and blessings will be stolen. 那样你的喜乐、平安和祝福就被仇敌偷走了。Then you need to repent and start the battle again. 你就需要悔改并重新开始争战。Or you’ll be oppressed by the enemy不然你就被仇敌欺压了。

God desires you to fight and overcome. 神盼望你争战得胜。The weapon is the word of God that has already been given to us. 我们的兵器是神的话,已经赐给我们了。Remember, 请记住,our goal is to stick to the word of God, 我们的目的是守住神的话,not to look at other things, 不是左顾右盼,or wonder where the devil is. 不是心里猜疑“魔鬼到底在哪儿”。We’re told, 神对我们说:“Be sober, and be alert, “务要谨守,警醒,be prayerful, 要常常祷告,be humble, 要谦卑自己,stay in tune with the truth and love of Jesus”. 在真理和爱里与主合一。”Because Jesus has won the battle for us. 因耶稣已经为我们得胜了,Victory rests with the Lord. 得胜属于主耶稣。Despite our circumstances, 不论环境如何,if we believe warfare is for us to grow, 我们若信争战是为使我们可以成长,if we’re led by the Spirit of truth, 我们若被圣灵引导,not by acts of the flesh, 而不凭肉体行事, we’ll grow in power, in spiritual authority and in maturity in Christ 我们就会在能力、属灵权柄和基督里成熟的生命上成长,to overcome the enemy. 以致于得胜仇敌。This is the prize for us to win in spiritual warfare.这就是神在属灵争战中为我们预备的奖赏。

3, How to fight a fight? (1 Peter 5:6-7,9) 怎样争战(彼前5:6-7,9

Notice, Peter’s teaching isn’t out of his head knowledge注意,彼得不是用他头脑的知识在教导我们, but out of his experience in spiritual warfare. 乃是借着他自己属灵争战的经历。In 1Peter彼前5:6-7, humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 所以你们要自卑,服在 神大能的手下,到了时候,他必叫你们升高。你们要将一切的忧虑卸给 神,因为他顾念你们。 Lifting us up means to exalt us, 叫我们升高意思是提升我们,promote us. 抬高我们。God desires to elevate us in due time. 神的旨意是在时间到了的时候提升我们,The battle is for our enlargement. 争战是为扩展我们。But before the due time comes, 但在所定的时间未到以先,we must overcome temptations, 我们必须胜过各种试探,the enemy will tempt us by pride. 而仇敌会用骄傲来试探我们。

2 Chron 代下26:16tells us记载, But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. 他既强盛,就心高气傲,以致行事邪僻。Uzziah the King of Judah was tempted by pride, 犹太王乌西雅被骄傲试探,pride produces lots of other sins, 骄傲又生出许多罪,like disobedience, quarrelling, comparison, and disgrace. 如悖逆、争闹、比较和羞耻。Because of pride, Uzziah didn’t listen to God, 因骄傲,乌西雅干犯神的话,and he burnt incense at the temple which he wasn’t allowed to do, 要去香坛上烧香,而这本不是他的事,so he had leprosy until he died. 于是生了大麻风直到死时。He failed to be lifted up because of pride. 他因骄傲而不能升高。Exaltation is the prize for us to win in spiritual battle. 我们在属灵争战中赢了,就能得着升高为奖赏。Pride is our enemy that we need to fight against. 骄傲是我们的仇敌,要和它争战。Then, v.7, 接着,到了第7节,anxiety, worry, fear are our enemies that can shift our eyes off Jesus. 焦虑、忧虑、惧怕是我们的仇敌,使我们目光转离耶稣而被攻击。

We see this with Elijah, 我们看到以利亚,the great man of faith, who had won a great victory over the false prophets. 这大有信心的先知大胜假先知,Fire came down from heaven 他祷告天上就降下火来,and burned up the sacrifice in front of the false prophets after Elijah had prayed. 当着假先知烧尽了燔祭。“The Lord – He is God”. “耶和华是神!耶和华是神!”Elijah turned people’s eyes back to God again. 以利亚使以色列民的心回转向神,But now he was intimidated by Jezebel. 却被耶洗别吓到了。

In the book of Revelation, 启示录记着,in the last days, 在末后的日子,Jesus told his church to not tolerate that woman Jezebel 耶稣告诫教会不要容忍那叫耶洗别的妇人 (Re 2:20)But actually, 但实际上,the person Jezebel has been dead for thousands of years. 耶洗别这个人已经死了几千年,Why did the Lord Jesus still tell the church in the last days not to tolerate her? 主耶稣为什么还要教导末后的教会不要容忍她呢?Apparently, 很明显,this’s not talking about a person but a spirit. 这不是在说一个人,而是一个灵。

The spirit of Jezebel attacked prophet Elijah, 耶洗别的灵攻击先知以利亚,the great man of faith became intimidated, 以致于这位大有信心的人也胆怯了,he was attacked in his identity, 他的身份认同感受了攻击,who he was, 忘了他是谁,and he became confused, depressed, and even suicidal. 他感到困惑了,沮丧了,甚至想死。That’s the enemy’s work! 那就是仇敌的工作!The roaring lion tries to intimidate you 吼叫的狮子想要吓倒你,and cause you to doubt God’s word and forget God’s purpose for you. 让你怀疑神的话,忘记神向你所怀的旨意。V.9a, Resist him, standing firm in faith你们要用坚固的信心抵挡它。Resist him. 要抵挡他。We can’t see the devil, 我们看不见魔鬼,but we can resist proud thoughts, 但我们可以抵挡骄傲的意念,we can resist a sense of rejection, 可以抵挡被拒绝感,‘They don’t love me. 他们不爱我” “Get behind me Satan撒旦退去, I no longer need to beg for love and acceptance from men,我不再需要乞讨人的爱和接纳 Jesus, fill me with Your unfailing love主耶稣,用你的爱充满我 I’m able to love.我可以去爱”; resist all the thoughts around anxiety, fear, intimidation. 抵挡各种围绕焦虑、惧怕和恐吓的意念。Our battle is against every thought that manipulates us 我们的争战是抵挡每一个操纵我们,not to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit (see picture). 使我们不能结出圣灵的果子的意念(如图)Intimidation and anxiety are the enemy’s weapons against us. 恐吓和焦虑是他对付我们的武器。

When you’re seized by thoughts of intimidation, 当我们被恐吓的意念抓住,you keep thinking about something scary, 你止不住地想一些可怕的事,you keep worrying, 止不住的忧虑, you keep judging, 止不住的论断,you can’t stop feeling sorry for yourself, 止不住的自卑自怜,and you can’t get away from them. 并且你摆脱不了它们。You’re involved in spiritual warfare. 你被卷入属灵争战,You need to resist it. 务要抵挡它,you’ve gotta pray, In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you to go.” 你要祷告,奉耶稣的名,斥责你离开。And you need to submit to God’s word.并向神的话降服。

14 years ago, 14年前,God brought me into very severe spiritual warfare, 神把我带到一个极其严峻的属灵争战中。when I was called to set a woman free, 我被呼召去释放一个女人,who was a daughter of a witchdoctor who had been oppressed by demons for 18 years. 她是巫医的女儿,被鬼附了18年。I felt very strong spiritual opposition against me 我感受到强烈的属灵的敌对力量,and was struggling to overcome. 我感觉很难得胜。Then, God sent a dream to me, 于是,神赐给我梦,in which I saw dark spirits were like roaring lions around us, 我看到,黑暗权势像吼叫的狮子四面围绕我们,but when I took up the cross, 但当我背起十字架,died to every will of my own, 向我每个自己的意思死,and surrendered to the word of God, and followed Jesus, 降服于神的话跟随耶稣 then, they fell down to the ground. 于是,他们都倒在地上了。When I took a closer look at those lions, 我走进仔细看那些狮子, what! they were all made of paper 原来全是纸做的。I knew it’s a metaphor,我知道这是个比喻. God was telling me 神在告诉我, “they were completely powerless. 他们全然是无能力的 when you deny every thought of yourself and live to the truth当你否定每一个自己的意思,向真理活”。The dream was over. 梦就结束了。Praise God, by the grace of God, not only the woman was set free but also she became a follower of Jesus 赞美主,借着神的恩典,这女人不单得了释放,还成了耶稣的门徒。

Dying to the desires of the self and submitting to Jesus is always the key to victory in Spiritual warfare. 向己意思死、交托耶稣永远是属灵争战得胜的窍门。God is able to lift us up, 神的能力足以让我们升高,but in due time. 但这有定时。Full blessing and the promise of prize will be ours. 全备的祝福并奖赏的应许将赐给我们,But we need to fight against pride, 但我们当与骄傲争战,against fear, 与惧怕争战,against rejection, 与被拒绝争战,against every thought that causes us to shift our eyes away from Jesus. 与每个让我们目光转离耶稣的意念争战,Jesus has overcome the grave and sin, 耶稣胜过了坟墓和罪,Jesus holds the keys of Death and Hades. 耶稣掌管死亡和阴间的钥匙,He holds our tomorrows. 耶稣掌管明天。He loves us and the Holy Spirit is for us! 祂爱我们,赐圣灵来帮助我们!He gives us the word of God over our circumstance. 祂赐我们话语胜过环境。Let’s hold the word of God. 让我们持守神的话,Speak the word of God. 宣告神的话,Meditate on the word of God. 默想神的话,Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 靠着主的大能大力,做刚强的人。

Concluding prayer: 结束祷告:

Yes Lord, You break every chain. 是的主,你断开锁链,You’re able to break every chain. 你足能断开每个锁链,You’re able to break the chain that bound us to generational curses, 你足能断开我们身上每个累代咒诅的锁链,You’re more than able to break the chain of rejection, 你有大能大力断开每个被拒绝、every chain of fear, 每个惧怕、every chain of anxiety, 每个焦虑、every chain of self-pity, 每个自卑自怜、unforgiveness, 每个不饶恕的锁链, and enable us to pull down strongholds and give us the victory. 你使我们攻破坚固营垒,你赐给我们得胜。

We thank You for humbling Yourself 感谢你为我们降卑,to suffer pain and death for our sins and iniquities. 背负我们的罪孽,担当我们的痛苦死亡,Thank You for conquering the grave for us 感谢你胜过坟墓,and bringing us out of family curses 释放我们脱离家族咒诅,and into your eternal blessing. 带我们进入永生的祝福。Thank You Jesus. 感谢你耶稣,Your love is eternal. 你的爱直到永远,We receive Your love for us.我们愿领受你的大爱。

You call us to fight the good fight of faith. 你呼召我们为信心打那美好的杖。How many of us are numb to spiritual warfare? 我们中间多少人对属灵争战是麻木迟钝的?Or are unaware of spiritual warfare? 或者没听说过属灵争战?So that we are often overwhelmed by anger, 以致于我们常被怒气、unforgiveness, 不饶恕、fear, 惧怕、anxiety, 焦虑所淹没,we receive hostile feelings towards people? 接受敌意敌对他人?We look at our circumstances and become intimidated, 我们会因环境就害怕,we lose hope and even become suicidal? 以致于失去盼望甚至想死?There is spiritual warfare involved! 这都关乎属灵争战!But we have the wonderful Jesus who is able to lift us up.但我们有奇妙的耶稣,祂足能使我们升高。

Let’s call on Jesus’ name for help. 让我们求告耶稣的名。If you’re compromised in some area of your heart, 你心里若在一些地方妥协了,and allow yourself to fight against people, 以致于你允许自己和人抗争,ask Him to forgive. 你求祂赦免:“Jesus. forgive me, “主耶稣,赦免我,that I fought against the wrong target in my circumstances. 我在环境中把矛头对着错的人,I repent, 我愿悔改,I turn to You. 我转向你,I receive Your forgiveness to forgive the people I once held grudges against. 我接受你的饶恕,饶恕我曾怨恨的人。

Forgive me for being compromised, 求你赦免我的妥协,for becoming afraid. 赦免我的惧怕。Today, I stand up to spiritual warfare. 今天,我愿奋力争战。Lord, I need You to release the Spirit of wisdom and revelation into my heart, 主啊,我需要你在我心里释放圣灵的智慧和启示,I want to know spiritual warfare through revelation not head knowledge. 我需要借着启示而不是头脑的知识来认识属灵争战。Holy Spirit, come and open my eyes to see reality, 圣灵啊,求你开我眼,让我看到,Holy Spirit, renew my understanding of spiritual warfare.圣灵啊,求你更新我对属灵争战的认识。

In Jesus’ name, 奉耶稣的名,I break my agreement with intimidation, 我断开我与恐吓、惧怕的联结,I break intimidation and controlling and fear and anxiety even attacks by suicidal thoughts. 破除恐吓、操纵, 惧怕、焦虑甚至想死的念头,I break ties with rejection, 破除被拒绝、disappointment, 灰心、lies, 谎言、and grief, 忧愁的意念,I take the authority Jesus gives me to rebuke all those evil spirits to go out of my life. 我拿起耶稣赐给我的权柄,斥责所有邪灵离开我的生命。Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,release a fresh anointing power into my life, 求你释放膏油和能力,release the Spirit of life to fill me. Thank You Lord.释放生命之灵充满我。感谢你,耶稣。


Yes, thank You Lord for Your presence. 是的,主耶稣,感谢你与我们同在。Thank You Jesus for teaching us 感谢耶稣教导我们,that our enemies are not people 我们并不是与属血气的争战,but principalities, the rulers of darkness of this age, 乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms. 以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。You destroyed the power of the enemy by Your death and resurrection. 因着你死里复活,你打败了仇敌,You’re victorious forever. 你得胜到永远。Help us to rely on every word that comes out of Your mouth. 求你帮助我们信靠你口里所出的每一句话。Fill us with the power of Your love and the Holy Spirit. 求你用爱和圣灵的大能充满我们,Fill us with Your wisdom and discernment to make us aware of the enemy’s schemes, .赐我们充足的智慧聪明,让我们识别仇敌的诡计,so we may stand strong in spiritual warfare through Your victory使我们因着你的得胜在属灵争战中刚强站立。


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