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2018-09-09 Do Not Worry 不要忧虑

发表于 2024-01-08

 (Matt 6:25-34)(太6:25-34  

Let’s look at a short video我们来看短片. “If you can solve your problem要是困难能解决, then why worry那为什么忧虑? If you can’t solve it要是解决不了, then what’s the use of worry忧虑有什么用?” Worrying can ruin our lives and health忧虑会破坏身体和健康, so Jesus teaches us所以主耶稣教我们, “Don’t worry不要忧虑.” Even secular reports show that worry is a pointless and damaging activity世界的研究也表明忧虑是无意义带有破坏性的. When you worry你忧虑时, you are predicting the future是在预测未来. You are saying你是说, ‘I know that things will turn out badly我知道事情会很糟糕.’ But this just isn’t the case可事实并非如此. You have no idea how the future is gonna turn out你完全不知道未来会怎样发展, So what’s the use of worry那为什么忧虑? Worrying is bad for our health忧虑对健康不利. It increases stress which causes a host of health problems它加剧紧张,导致一系列问题, such as: Dizziness头昏, Fast heartbeat心跳加速, Fatigue疲劳, Headaches头痛, Inability to concentrate不能专注, Irritability发脾气, Muscle aches肌肉酸痛, Muscle tension肌肉紧张, Nausea恶心, Nervous energy神经紧张, Rapid breathing呼吸加速, Shortness of breath呼吸短促, Sweating出汗, Trembling and twitching发抖和痉挛, depression沮丧, even heart attack心脏病 and suicidal thoughts甚至想自杀, and so on等等 

That’s terrible忧虑太可怕了! So we need to stop worrying所以停止忧虑, but trust in God信靠神, because only God holds our tomorrows惟有神掌管明天! If somebody say有人会说, “no, I can’t stop worrying不行我就是停不下来.” Then he will suffer the consequences of chronic worry那么他就要承受长期忧虑的后果. In fact事实上, worry is not natural忧虑不是天生的! Do little kids worry小孩子忧虑吗? No不会! Do all adults worry大人忧虑吗? Yes. Our enemy knows how to weaken and ruin us through worry仇敌利用忧虑来削弱我们,毁坏我们. Because when we worry about tomorrow因我们担心未来, essentially, we are saying其实是在说, “God I don’t believe that You hold my tomorrows神啊我不相信你掌管明天.” So in reality因此, worry speaks for mistrust in God忧虑是对神的不信! The more we are bound by worry我们越被忧虑捆绑, the stronger our mistrust in God对神就越不信! Unbelief and worry are sin不信和忧虑就是罪! Because the bible tells us因经上说, when the Holy Spirit comes圣灵来, He will convict us of sin要光照罪, in regard to sin说到罪, because men do not believe in Him是因他们不信神 (see John 16:8-9,约16:8-9) When we sin我们犯罪, we lose the protection of God就失去神的保护. Who wants us to fall into this temptation谁想让我们跌进这试探呢? Our enemy Satan是仇敌撒旦! That’s why Our Lord Jesus tells us所以主耶稣教导说, don’t worry不要忧虑! Don’t fall into the temptation of worry不要被忧虑试探! When we worry当忧虑时, we can come to God我们来到神面前, “Lord主啊, forgive me that I’m worried again赦免我又忧虑了...and now, I offer my request to you我现在把需要交给你...”   

Matt 6:25-34 (太 625-34)…. 25 Therefore I tell you所以我告诉你们, do not worry about your life不要为生命忧虑, what you will eat or drink吃什么,喝什么; or about your body为身体忧虑, what you will wear穿什么. Is not life more than food生命不胜于饮食吗, and the body more than clothes身体不胜于衣裳吗? 26 Look at the birds of the air你们看那天上的飞鸟; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns也不种,也不收,也不积蓄在仓里, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them你们的天父尚且养活它. Are you not much more valuable than they你们不比飞鸟贵重得多吗? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life你们哪一个能用思虑使寿数多加一刻呢? 28 And why do you worry about clothes何必为衣裳忧虑呢? See how the flowers of the field grow你想野地里的百合花怎么长起来. They do not labor or spin它也不劳苦,也不纺线. 29 Yet I tell you 然而我告诉你们,that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these就是所罗门极荣华的时候,他所穿戴的,还不如这花一朵呢. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today野地里的草今天还在, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire明天就丢在炉里,上帝还给它这样的妆饰, will he not much more clothe you何况你们呢—you of little faith你们这小信的人哪? 31 So do not worry, saying所以,不要忧虑说, What shall we eat吃什么?or What shall we drink喝什么?or What shall we wear穿什么? 32 For the pagans run after all these things这都是外邦人所求的, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them你们需用的这一切东西,你们的天父是知道的. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness你们要先求祂的国祂的义, and all these things will be given to you as well其他一切都要加给你们了. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow所以,不要为明天忧虑, for tomorrow will worry about itself因为明天自有明天的忧虑. Each day has enough trouble of its own一天的难处一天当就够了

1, Worry weighs a man down.忧虑会压垮人 

Jesus prioritises some essential worries that we may worry about主耶稣重点列了一些导致忧虑的常见原因, from v.25-2825-28节), Jesus instructed his followers not to worry about主耶稣告诫门徒不要忧虑 “what to drink喝什么? What to eat吃什么? And what to wear穿什么?” In fact, they are all linked to money其实他们都和钱有关. Remember还记不记得? Last week, we looked at “Treasure in Heaven”我们上周分享的是天上的财宝”, where Jesus said you cannot serve both God and Money主说,你们不能既事奉神,又事奉钱财. Now, Jesus continues his teaching现在主耶稣继续教导, “don’t worry about money不要为钱忧虑.” “no, I have five kids to raise up我要养五个孩子, without money没有钱, how can I supply their needs怎么养活?” Your worry can’t help you but only weighs you down忧虑只会让你心力交瘁,决不会帮你什么. “An anxious heart weighs a man down人心忧虑,屈而不伸Proverbs 12:25a(箴言1225上)By worrying, you only will fall into the temptation of idolatry忧虑下去你就会跌进拜偶像的试探. “Money, money, where do I get the money from to supply my family去哪儿弄钱养家?” You’re stuck in worry and forget God’s word于是你陷在忧虑当中忘记神的话 

You shall no other gods before Me. 除了我以外,你不可有别神. (Exodus 20:3,出203)  Namely换言之, don’t put anything that you are worrying about first不要把任何忧虑放第一位, but put God first before everything而是将神放在一切之先, you should trust God and His provision with prayer in faith你当以信心的祷告信靠神和神的供应. Worry is trusting in the unpleasant忧虑是选择信不开心! But God is the God of salvation and joy但神是拯救和喜乐的神, He wants you to share in His joy祂要你分享祂的喜乐! Does anybody feel happy while he is worrying忧虑的人会不会开心? Nobody绝不会! That’s the devil’s scheme那是撒旦的诡计. Satan wants us to worry about money and worry about tomorrow撒旦要我们担心钱担心未来. Tomorrow represents everything that is uncertain to us未来代表一切不确定之事. Uncertainty can cause us to worry不确定会带来忧虑. But the problem with worrying is that the things we worry about almost never even happen可忧虑的事基本上都不会发生. I remember that my mum was a woman who worried about everything我记得我妈妈从前什么事都忧虑. When my dad was in his 40’s我爸爸四十几岁时, mum used to say to us妈妈老是和我们说, “Look at your dad’s yellow face你爸脸色那么黄, I’m so worried about his health是不是身体出问题了, that he probably has a stomach cancer or hepatitis搞不好得了胃癌肝炎哦…” Now my dad is 85 years old我爸今年85, my mum said我妈说, “oh, your dad’s health is much better than me你爸身体比我好得多, so I assume that he will live longer than me他该长命过我吧.” See看到吗? Worrying is just wasting time and consuming our energy担心只是浪费时间、浪费精力而已! A woman worried for 40 years that she was getting stomach cancer有位女士担心自己得胃癌,担心了四十年, but she died with pneumonia when she was 73可七十三岁时死于急性肺炎. She wasted 40 years worrying about something that never happened浪费了四十年在不会发生的事上! 15 Be very careful, then, how you live你们要谨慎行事—not as unwise but as wise不要像愚昧人,当像智慧人, 16 making the most of every opportunity 要爱惜光阴(redeeming the time, ESV), because the days are evil因为现今的世代邪恶. Eph 5:15-16(弗515-16God’s words teach us神教导我们, “be very careful” and be wise要谨慎要做聪明人! How can we be wiser than our enemy when we can’t see him who tries to destroy us看不见摸不着的仇敌要害我们怎么才能比它有智慧? Oh, how I love your law我何等爱慕你的律法! I meditate on it all day long终日不住地思想. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies你的命令常存在我心里, for they are ever with me使我比仇敌有智慧. Psa: 119:97-98(诗11997-98“ The author of this Psalm tells us that the key for us to be wiser than our enemies is to meditate on God words and obey them诗篇的作者指出比仇敌有智慧的关键是默想并遵行神的话. This is an act of our faith这是信心的行为! If you know how to worry要是你知道如何忧虑, you know how to meditate就知道如何默想, which is to think of something over and over就是反反复复地思想. Meditating on God’s Word is one of the major ways you can find deliverance from worrying默想神的话是救拔我们脱离忧虑的重要方法.

Several weeks ago几周前, I suddenly found that I was so worried about my time我突然发现自己在担心时间不够, because I had too many things on my mind因有很多事在我心里, things like “discipleship training” both here and overseas比如怎么在这里和海外同时进行门徒培训, but I couldn’t split myself up into two to do these tasks可一个人又无法分身, so I started to meditate on God’s promise于是我开始默想神的应许, Do not be anxious about anything应当一无挂虑, but in everything, by prayer and petition只要凡事借着祷告、祈求, with thanksgiving和感谢, present your requests to God将你们所要的告诉神. Phi 4:6(腓46The words这话, “present your requests to God将你们所要的告诉神”, hit my heart拨动了我的心. I suddenly realised that I needed to present my time to God我突然明白过来应该将时间需要交托给神, so that I wouldn’t worry就不至于忧虑了. After I had mediated on God’s promise over and over于是我反反复复默想神的应许, He released His peace into my heart祂就将平安释放在我心里. Now, looking back现在回过头看, I found that nothing has been delayed没有一件事延误了! Why should we worry about anything为什么要忧虑呢? It’s just consuming energy and wasting time那只是浪费精力浪费时间罢了! Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, Do not be anxious about anything应当一无挂虑, but in everything, by prayer and petition只要凡事借着祷告、祈求” “Cast all your anxious on Him 你们要将一切的重担卸给神because He cares for you因为祂顾念你们. Phi 4:6(腓46)” 

2, Worry is faith in fear.忧虑是相信惧怕 

We all know that “without faith no one can please God人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦(来116”. Worry is just on the opposite of trust忧虑与信靠相反, fear is the opposite of faith惧怕和信心相反. Because it pulls our eyes away from fixing them on Jesus who is the King of kings and Lord of lords忧虑拉扯我们的眼目不再注视万王之王万主之主的耶稣, but fixes our eyes on our problems叫我们盯着我们的问题. Worry magnifies our problems忧虑会放大问题, when we think of our problems over and over当我们把问题反反复复地想来想去, fear increases就加剧害怕, and faith decreases削弱信心! As long as we are crippled in fear一旦惧怕, peace and joy will be stolen平安喜乐就被偷光, and the plan and the purpose God has for us are concealed神对我们的计划和旨意就隐藏看不到了. Do you remember还记不记得? When Moses sent the spies into Canaan to explore that land摩西差遣探子窥探迦南地, because he wanted to know what the land was like 要了解那个地方怎样and whether the people who lived there were strong or weak那地的居民是强是弱. After the 12 spies came back carrying a cluster of grapes十二个探子抬了一挂葡萄回来, ten of them reported to the Israelites其中十个人回来说, We cant attack those people我们不能上去攻击那民; they are stronger than we are因为他们比我们强壮…we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes据我们看,自己就如蚱蜢一样, and we looked the same to them据他们看,我们也是如此. Numbers 13:31b, 33b(数1331下,33下)” In other words意思是, “We are so worried about what will happen我们担心, if we attack them若我们去打他们, we will lose the battle我们必败.” Worry and fear seized their hearts忧虑惧怕抓住了他们的心, so that they completely forgot what God had promised them于是神的应许全忘了. That the land of Canaan was the promised land that God had promised to them神已应许把迦南地赐给他们. In other words也就是说, they were guaranteed victory确保他们能赢! No matter how strong their enemies were不管敌人有多强大! Same for us我们也是啊! We are guaranteed victory positionally在地位上我们也被确保得胜, no matter how strong our enemy is别管敌人强不强! God’s words say神这样说, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us然而,靠着爱我们的主,在这一切的事上都得胜有余了。 Romans 8:37(罗837. All of us are in a spiritual battle我们每个人都在属灵争战中, we may have these enemies我们的敌人有: worry about or fear of inadequacy担忧缺乏 (I can’t do it我做不到… worry about or fear of uncertainty担忧不确定性 (assuming that bad thing will happen假设坏事会发生…I will have cancer我可能会得癌症… worry about or fear of failure担心失败 (I will fail我一定做不好…  worry about or fear of rejection担心害怕被拒绝 (people will not like me人们不喜欢我…fear of getting hurt担心受伤… worry about or fear of change担心改变 (because I fear of losing control害怕失去控制… worry about or fear of being judged担心害怕被论断 (They are talking about me他们在说我 

but we are guaranteed victory like the Israelites if we put our trust in God’s promise我们若信靠神的应许,就和以色列人一样,必得胜, don’t believe what our eyes or what our feelings tell us不要信眼见不要信感觉, unlike what those ten spies did不要象那十个探子. Worry and fear are our enemies担心惧怕是我们的仇敌, which can capture us and remain trapped in the old way by worry, anxiety, anger, depression, and hopelessness把我们掳去关在旧人的担心焦虑怒气沮丧无望中. These are the enemy’s weapons这些仇敌的武器, we need to fight them off in faith我们要以信心击退他们. When worry and fear creep into your minds当担心惧怕时, you’re gonna fight them off by trusting in God’s words要以信神的话抵挡出去! Like Caleb declared in faith象迦勒以信心宣告, We should by all means go up and take possession of it我们立刻上去得那地吧, for we will surely overcome it我们足能得胜. Numbers 13:30(数1330)”

Today今天, our promised land is in the fullness of Christ我们的应许之地在基督的丰盛里, where there is the land flowing with milk and honey那里才是流奶与蜜之地, not in the flesh不在肉体里, though we have the sinful nature within us即使我们犯罪的旧人还在. We gonna choose to fight worry off in faith我们选择以信心打跑它, “Yes, Lord, 是的主啊though I may not have much money我的钱不多…or don’t have a good job or a big house也没有好工作大房子…or people’s recognition as a successful man在别人眼里也不成功…even good health身体也不好…But who can separate me from Your love有什么可以使我与你的爱分开呢…I put my trust in You我信靠你…” We have heard the rest of the story how God rewarded Joshua and Caleb接下来的事大家都知道就是神大大赏赐约书亚和迦勒, who were of these 12 spies, but put their trust in God十二探子中他们二人信靠神, not only in this age but the age to come不只是今生的赏赐还有来世的! Joshua became the successor of Moses to lead the Israelites into the promised land约书亚接替摩西带领以色列人打进迦南美地, and Caleb received Hebron as his inheritance迦勒得到希伯仑为产业 (see Joshua 14:13, 1413). God is the same yesterday, today and forever神在昨日、今日、明日都不改变! He rewards all those who trust in Him and seek him earnestly他赏赐信靠祂并恳切寻求祂的人 (see Hebrew 11:6,来116)  Don’t  be like these ten spies不要像那10个探子 though they were guaranteed victory虽他们被保证能赢they still chose to believe their own worries and fear and were defeated但他们选择信自己的惧怕和忧虑,被打败了. 

3, How to overcome worry怎样胜过忧虑

God’s promise is our strong security神的应许是我们的坚固台! Jesus promises主应许说, “But seek fist kingdom and his righteousness你们要先求祂的国祂的义, and all these things will be given to you as well其他一切都要加给你们了” v. 33  

a, Trust in God’s truth信真理.

Turn your mind from thinking of “what if tomorrow, I will…sick, fail…” over and over to trusting in Jesus’ words停止反复思想要是明天,我病了,失败了……”,而是信靠耶稣的话! “Yes, I seek first His kingdom to come我先求祂的国度降临, I seek first His righteous life to rule in me先求祂的生命在我里面掌权, all these things He will provide for me其他一切祂都白白加给我了…for Jesus is the creator of All耶稣基督是万有的创造主…believe that God’s blessing hides behind all hardship要信患难是化了妆的祝福 

b, Believe God’s sovereignty (who He is). 信神统管万有(祂是谁)

Whenever you find you are worrying about something任何时候你发现自己开始担忧什么, go to seek God by declaring His words就宣告神的话, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to declare His marvellous deeds and praise His sovereignty求圣灵引领你宣告神的奇事赞美神掌权, the author of Psalms 42:5 tells us(诗篇42:5)的作者说, Why are you downcast, O my soul我的心哪,你为何忧闷? Why so disturbed within me为何在我里面烦躁? Put your hope in God因当仰望神, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God因祂笑脸帮助我;我还要称赞祂.

10 years ago, one day十年前, I found out that we had almost run out all of cash in our bank account我们银行的钱终于快耗尽了, so that we wouldn’t be able to continue supporting the more than 20 people’s daily needs那就不能继续供应二十多人的日常生活, who were living with us at the home church他们都住在我们家里的教会, so I went to the Lord我来到主前, to present this issue to Him把这件事交托给祂, in the quietness, I heard the Lord say在安静中我听到主说, “Lift up your eyes, look at the sky举目望天…” The words from the book of Job appeared in my mind《约伯记》中的话就出现在我心里, He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea祂独自铺张苍天,步行在海浪之上... He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed他行大事,不可测度, miracles that cannot be counted行奇事,不可胜数.(伯9810My tears poured out, I prayed我流泪祷告说, “Forgive me, Lord主啊求你赦免我, You are the Creator God你是创造主! who can fathom how great You are你的伟大无法测度, You’re their supplier你才是他们的供应者…” Then God instructed other people in their dreams or minds to continue to supply those people’s needs之后神赐下异梦和感动指示其他人继续供应. Now those people were supported and have been raised up to support others这些人得到供应现在也供应他人! Yes, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength. 我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能做。”(腓413    

C, Believe God’s grace and His big plan信神的恩典和宏伟计划

When you look at your weakness看到自己的软弱时, what do you think你会怎么想? “No, I don’t like it我不喜欢…I don’t want it我不想要…I’m worried about my weakness for it weakens me to reach my goal软弱会让我达不成目标…” To our natural understanding我们的自然反应是, weaknesses represent uselessness软弱代表无用, shame羞耻, and stupidity愚蠢, so we don’t like them我们不喜欢. But why did Paul the apostle say that he delighted in his weakness使徒保罗却说他以自己的软弱为可喜乐的? Because God said因神说, My grace is sufficient for you我的恩典够你用的, for my power is made perfect in weakness因我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全. 2 Cor 12:9(林后129)” God’s grace is particularly made perfect not in strength but in weakness神的恩典是在人的软弱上显得完全! If you can do it如果你都能做, the power of Christ will not be magnified基督的大能就不能显大. But if you can’t但你若不能, but the resurrection power makes you able to而复活的大能使你做到, then, the power of Christ will be exalted基督的大能就被高举了. So weakness is a beautiful thing that humbles us to seek the Grace of God软弱是美事能使我们降卑寻求神, and experience the power of Christ并经历基督的大能! Last story最后讲一个故事: 

There was a gentile woman in ancient society古时有位外邦女子, who was supposed to be worried about her life照理她该为生活忧虑, because her husband died她丈夫去世, and her father-in-law and her brother-in-law died as well公公,小叔也死了. Three men in the family had all died家里三个男人都死了. When her mother-in -law, Naomi urged her to go back her own country她婆婆催她回自己国家, she reacted in faith, and said她以信心回应说, Where you go I will go你往哪里去,我也往那里去, and where you stay I will stay你在哪里住宿,我也在那里住宿. Your people will be my people 你的国就是我的国and your God my God你的神就是我的神.(路110-16)” How could she still believe that the God of Israel was the Almighty God她怎样仍然信以色列的神就是全能神? Ruth, the Moabite woman went to Israel with no money摩押女子路得口袋空空地去到以色列, no job没工作, no identity nor social status没身份,没社会地位, But God had a big plan for her神对她却有伟大的计划! Don’t look at your situation and worry about it不要看环境就担忧, it’s just consuming your energy浪费精力而已! Believe that God has a plan for you信神对你有计划! Faith and your obedience can open the door of the blessings of heaven信心和顺服可打开天上的窗,让祝福倾倒下来! We have to subdue the impatient flesh我们需制服无忍耐的肉体, and choose to listen to God words听神的话. Ruth was in such a cursed situation路得活在受咒诅的环境, from such a cursed race来自受咒诅的种族, but by her faith and obedience, God turned her situation around但神因她的信心和顺服扭转她的环境, made her find favour before Boaz神使她在波阿斯面前蒙恩, who was a rich Israelite man波阿斯是个大财主, while she was picking up the leftover grains in his field路得在他的田里拾取麦穗. And at the end of the story故事结尾, Boaz married Ruth波阿斯娶了路得. Do know who they are他们是谁? They gave birth to Obed他们生了俄备得, who is the grandpa of King David就是大卫王的祖父, Christ Jesus is called the son of David主耶稣被称为大卫的子孙, although He is the Son of God祂却是神的儿子. What a big plan God made for this “gentile” woman神对这个外邦女子的计划何等伟大! Although she left her culture, her friends尽管路得离开本国文化和朋友, and her familiar way of life behind to live in Israel where her race was despised离开熟悉的生活方式住在藐视她种族的以色列, her gender was despised性别被看不起, her widowhood was despised寡妇身份被看不起, she still considered the God of Israel as her God她仍以以色列的神就是她自己的神! And God blessed her mightily神就大大地祝福她 

Same for us我们也是! In the flesh, we are gentiles在肉身上我们是外邦人, In Christ, by the redemption of his blood and the forgiveness of our sins在基督里借着祂的宝血和赦罪的恩典, we are the sons and daughters of Jesus我们是耶稣的儿女, the Almighty God祂是全能神! God had a plan for Ruth神对路得有一个计划, God also has a plan for you and me对你我也是, every day we are in this plan我们每一天都在这个计划里! Like Ruth was in that plan和路得一样! Even though she might not clearly understand it尽管她不完全知道! Same for us我们也是! Every day you are in God’s plan but you may not know it你的每一天都在神的计划中但你却未必知道! Some of us may have turned down the plan of salvation over and over again like Naomi有些人可能象拿俄米一次次地走出神的拯救计划, who had gone on her own way for ten years拿俄米走了十年自己的路. But the grace of God still brought her back to His divine plan但神的恩典仍把她带回属天计划! Ruth’s loyal faith and her obedience enabled her to overcome her hopeless situation路得以忠心和顺服,胜过了无望的环境, worries and fear胜过忧虑和惧怕, and brought her into the divine purpose把她带进神属天旨意里! She glorified God’s name她荣耀了神的名. God has a plan for the rest of your life and my life神对你我余下的生命也有一个计划 – a plan for salvation拯救的计划, a plan for blessing祝福的计划, a plan to prosper you not to harm you让你得平安而不是降灾祸的计划! a plan to give you hope and a future带来希望和未来的计划! Don’t worry不要忧虑, but seek fist kingdom and his righteousness, 你们要先求祂的国祂的义 and all these things will be given to you as well其他一切都要加给你们了! 


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