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2019-02-17 The Faith of the Centurion 百夫长的信心

发表于 2024-01-08

 (Matt 8:5-13)   (马太福音85-13)

I’d like to ask you a question, who in the NT do you think had the greatest faith? 问大家一个问题,你们认为新约中谁的信心最大?Who was the believer who demonstrated the greatest faith in the NT?谁是新约中信心最大的信徒?

Maybe People might say, “umm, the believer who had the greatest faith probably was Peter or Paul, because they both raised the dead by faith.也许人们会说,嗯,信心最大的信徒可能是彼得或保罗,因为他们都是凭信使死人复活的。”Peter raised Tabitha from the dead in Acts 9. 彼得在《使徒行传》9章叫大比大从死里复活。And Paul raised Eutychus from the dead in Acts 20. ”而保罗在《使徒行传》20章叫犹推古从死里复活。

But today, you maybe will be surprised by what Jesus’ spoke about  the Roman centurion, because Jesus spoke highly of his faith and called him a man with great faith! 但今天,你可能会大感惊讶,因为耶稣说到一位罗马百夫长,高度评价他的信心,并称他是一个大有信心的人!Do you want to be a man who has great faith in Jesus’ eyes?你想成为主耶稣眼里大有信心的人吗?Let’s look at Matt 8:5-13。我们来看(太85-13

 5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.5耶稣进了 迦百农 ,有一个百夫长进前来,求他说:6 “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.「主啊,我的仆人害瘫痪病,躺在家里,甚是疼苦。」” 7 Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him? 耶稣说:我去医治他。” 8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof.8百夫长回答说:主啊,你到我舍下,我不敢当;But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.只要你说一句话,我的仆人就必好了。”9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me.9因为我在人的权下,也有兵在我以下;I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes.对这个说『去!』他就去;对那个说『来!』他就来;I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.对我的仆人说:『你做这事!』他就去做。」” 10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 10耶稣听见就希奇,对跟从的人说:「我实在告诉你们,这么大的信心,就是在 以色列 中,我也没有遇见过。11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.11我又告诉你们,从东从西,将有许多人来,在天国里与 亚伯拉罕 、 以撒 、 雅各 一同坐席;12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.12惟有本国的子民竟被赶到外边黑暗里去,在那里必要哀哭切齿了。」13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go!耶稣对百夫长说:「你回去吧! Let it be done just as you believed it would.照你的信心,给你成全了。」” And his servant was healed at that moment.那时,他的仆人就好了。

After Jesus had healed the leper, he went into Capernaum, where a Roman centurion - a Gentile asked for help. 耶稣医好大麻疯后,就往迦百农去,在那里有一个罗马百夫长,一个外邦人,来求他。A centurion was a junior Roman officer in charge of a hundred soldiers.百夫长是一位罗马低级军官,负责一百名士兵。

In the NT we see that many times people from everywhere brought their sick people to Jesus and asked for healing, they all had faith, and the Lord Jesus healed them. 新约中有很多次,各城各乡的人把病人带到耶稣面前求医治,他们都很有信心,主耶稣也医好了他们。

Even when four people carried a paralytic and couldn’t get him to Jesus, they removed the roof above him, and lowered the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying. 甚至有四个人抬着一个瘫子,无法进前来,于是就把屋顶拆了,将瘫子放在垫子上槌下来。Jesus saw their faith, and He healed him, but Jesus didn’t make any comments about their faith.耶稣看见他们的信心,就医好了瘫子,但主耶稣没有对他们的信心作任何评论。

So, “What is it about the faith of this man that made Jesus say these words?那么,到底是什么使得耶稣会这样评价百夫长的信心?Jesus said, “I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel. 耶稣说:这么大的信心,就是在 以色列 中,我也没有遇见过。In other words, “not even one man in Israel has such great faith…there is no man in Israel who has such great faith.换句话说,就是在全以色列中,也找不到一个人有这么大的信心的……在以色列,没有人有如此大的信心。” Wow, that’s a very strong comment that Jesus made.哇,主耶稣极大肯定了他!

Why was this Roman centurion’s faith so unique in Jesus’ eyes? 这位罗马百夫长的信心为什么在耶稣眼中如此独特?What can we learn and apply to our daily lives, so that our faith may grow?从中我们可以学习什么,并应用在日常生活中,使我们的信心成长?Let’s look at the paragraph. 让我们看这一段。

1, Faith works through love.信心借爱心起功效

Galatians 5:6, for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love. 加拉太书56,原来在基督耶稣里,受割礼不受割礼全无功效,惟独使人生发仁爱的信心才有功效。

What does this verse mean? 这句经文什么意思?It tells us that now in Christ we are not to boast about the good things we have done by our flesh (sinful nature), but by faith in God to boast about the things we have done by the Holy Spirit.原来在基督里,我们不夸耀肉体(属罪本性)所行的善,夸的是靠着圣灵凭着信心在主里所行之事。Circumcision is God’s command to the Jews (in Leviticus 12:3). 割礼是神对犹太人的诫命(利未书123)But the real meaning of obeying this commandment is to die to the self and live for God.但遵行这条诫命的真正意义是,向己死,为神而活。

Now, in Christ all that counts is faith "working through love”. 现在,在基督里,最重要的是借爱心起功效的信心。For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Sonthat whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have the eternal life John 3:16.神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给 他们 ,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反得永生。约翰福音316

It is by God’s grace and love through faith that we are saved! 我们因着神的恩典和爱,藉著信得蒙救赎。We freely received God’s love through the blood of Christ, we shall freely give this love to love God and others, and this is the real faith that we need to act out.我们藉着基督的宝血,白白领受神的爱,也要将爱白白给出去,去爱神爱人,才是真信心。是需要我们去行出来的。

From this gentile centurion, we can see how faith works through love which made Jesus marvel. 在这个外邦百夫长身上,我们看到他的信心藉着爱心表现出来,这让主耶稣大为希奇。First of all, this Roman officer who was in charge of at least a hundred soldiers cared about his sick slave.首先,这位掌管至少一百名士兵的罗马官长关爱他生病的仆人。In those days, who cared about their slaves? 那个年代谁会关心他仆人的处境?If the slave is well, he can work for his master, but if he is dying, let him die because he is no longer useful to his master. 如果仆人身体健康,还可以为主人工作;但如果他到了临死的时候,就由他死吧,因为他对主人再也没有价值了。

But this centurion took care of his sick slave out of love, he came to Jesus on behalf of his slave to ask for healing. 但是这个百夫长出于爱去关怀他病中的奴仆,他亲自为仆人来求耶稣医治。His faith was working through love to intercede for the poor. 他的信心藉着爱来为穷人代求。

Our Lord Jesus is the friend of the poor! 我们的主耶稣是穷人的朋友!Although this gentile officer hadn’t read God’s words, yet what he did reflected the word of God, which pleased God! 虽然这位外邦军官没有读过神的话,但他却行出了神的话,这讨了神的喜悦!

“Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalm41:1” 诗篇411,眷顾贫穷的有福了! 他遭难的日子,耶和华必搭救他。“He who despises his neighbour sins, but happy is he who is gracious to the poor. 藐视邻舍的,这人有罪; 怜悯贫穷的,这人有福。Proverbs 14:21,箴言1421”

This centurion was blessed by God! 这百夫长是有福的!We are called to care for the poor! 我们蒙召去关怀穷人!Not just to give them material things but also to carry them into the presence of the Lord and to intercede for them just as this centurion did. 不仅给他们物质的东西,而且要把他们带到主面前,像这百夫长所行的那样,为他们代祷代求。

Who are you praying for? 你在为谁祈祷?Your un-saved husband? 尚未得救的丈夫?Children? 孩子?Or friends? 还是朋友?But this centurion loved a slave! 而这位百夫长爱的却是一个奴仆!We easily get annoyed or lose patience with someone who always does wrong things. 我们很容易对那些总是做错事的人感到恼火或失去耐心。But have you ever thought that he is just a slave needing you to pray for him in mercy and love just as this centurion did? 但你是否想过,他只是罪的奴仆,需要你像这位百夫长一样,在怜悯和爱中为他代求?

In Luke 7, the same centurion was written about in this way, the centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant.《路加福音》七章这样记录此事,百夫长风闻耶稣的事,就托犹太人的几个长老,去求耶稣来救他的仆人。

When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “this man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue. 他们到了耶稣那里,就切切地求他说:你给他行这事是他所配得的,因为他爱我们的百姓,给我们建造会堂。路加福音73-4In those days, the Jews hated the Romans, and the Romans hated the Jews. 那个年代,犹太人和罗马人彼此仇恨。Because the bible tells us that the Jews were afraid that the Romans would take away both their place and their nation. 因为圣经告诉我们,犹太人害怕罗马人夺走他们的地土和百姓。The Jews and the Gentiles had nothing to do with each other at that time.当时犹太人和外邦人没有任何交往。But this Roman officer not only loved his slave, but also loved the Jews – the people of God, and he gave lots of money to build a synagogue for God’s people to hear the word of God! 但是这位罗马官长不但爱他的奴仆,而且爱犹太人-神的子民,还花了很多钱建造一个会堂,让神子民可以听道!

What remarkable faith this gentile officer had! 这位外邦官长的信心实在了不起!His faith working with love made Jesus marvel! 他的信心藉着爱心起功效,让耶稣大为希奇!Because if we have faith without love, we are nothing! 因为信没有爱,我们就什么都不是!Love is the greatest thing we need to pursue. 爱是最大的事,我们当追求爱。

I remember that in my very early ministry, 13 years ago, I did a very “silly” prayer for an old woman in her early 70’s who came in with pain and liver cancer. 我记得13年前,在早期的服事中,我为一位70岁多岁的老奶奶做了个很的祷告,那时她得了肝癌,很痛。I didn’t know what to say, so I knelt down and placed my hand on her belly, the love of God strongly touched me, so I prayed with tears, “Lord…would you please transfer this pain to my body and give her peace…” that was a very strangest prayer I’ve ever said. 我不知道该说什么,于是我跪下,把我的手放在她的肚子上,神的爱强烈感动了我,以至于我流泪祷告,主,求你把这个痛转到我身上,让她有平安...”是我曾经做过的最奇怪的祈祷。

But the next day, she rang me and said that the pain was gone. 但是第二天,她打电话给我,说她不疼了。A month later, a report showed that the tumour in her liver had shrivelled up and she didn’t need an operation any more. 又过了一个月,她的检查报告出来,肝脏中的肿瘤已经萎缩,她不再需要做手术了。

I’m not saying that it was my unique faith that healed her, for at that moment, I even didn’t know how to pray for her. 我并不是说,是我独特的信心医治了她,其实那一刻,我连怎样为她祷告都不知道。what I’m saying is that from that I learnt that Jesus listens to our interceding for the sick, if it is out of faith working through love. 我的意思是,从那件事上,我认识到耶稣听我们为病人代祷,只要是出于爱心的信心。

2, Faith works through the understanding of authority.信心借认识权柄有功效

When the Jewish elders pleaded, “this man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue. Luke 7:4当犹太长老恳求耶稣说:你给他行这事是他所配得的,因为他爱我们的百姓,给我们建造会堂。74The gentile centurion prayed, “Lord, I don’t deserve to have you come under my roof.” 外邦百夫长祷告说:主啊!不要劳动;因你到我舍下,我不敢当。”8百夫长回答说:主啊,你到我舍下,我不敢当;But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. Matt 8:8” 只要你说一句话,我的仆人就必好了。88

Can you discover the difference between these two prayers? 你能看出这两种祈祷告的区别吗?The prayer of the Jewish elders who had the word of God weren’t based on faith, but based on works (on what he had done). 拥有神话语的犹太长老的祷告,不是本于信,乃是建立在行为(他所作的)上。They said, “Lord, this man is worthy, because he has done good work. 他们说:主啊,你给他行这事是他所配得的,因为他做了好事。

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.116“我不以福音为耻;这福音本是 神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是 犹太 人,后是 希腊 人。17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.17因为 神的义正在这福音上显明出来;这义是本于信,以至于信。如 经上 所记:「义人必因信得生。」

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.28-9:你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;这并不是出于自己,乃是 神所赐的; 也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。

The truth never says that someone was saved because he did better work than you did. 真理从未说——有人得救是因为他比你做得好。No! 没有!for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). 因为众人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀(罗马书323)It is by God’s grace that we are saved! 我们得救是靠神的恩典!

Those Jewish elders didn’t understand God’s words because their “faith” was based on what they had done. 那些犹太长老不明白神的话,因他们的是基于他们所行的。Have you ever prayed for the sick like this? 你曾经像这样为病人祈祷过吗?

“Lord, he loves Your church and has done lots of things for You, please heal him…” But if the centurion heard this prayer, and he would say, “Lord, we don’t deserve You to come, but just say the word, he will be healed. 主啊,这个人爱你的教会,并且为你做了许多事,求你医治他要是这位百夫长听见这祷告,一定会说:主阿,我们不配你来,只要说这话,他就必痊愈。

This is exactly what the Gentile centurion prayed, “Lord, I’m not worthy to have you come under my roof…But just say the word…” His faith was based on who Jesus is and Jesus’ authority! 这正是这位外邦百夫长所祈祷的:主啊,我不配你到我舍下,但只要你说一句话就行了……“他的信心,是建立在“耶稣是谁”和“耶稣的权柄上”!he seemed to say, “I plead to You, not because I have done good work, but because I know who You are… You are the one who speaks, and it comes to pass…” This centurion recognized that Jesus had superior authority. 他似乎在说:我向你祈求,不是因为我做过好事,而是因为我知道你是谁你是那位:怎样说就必怎样成就 的人这位百夫长认识到耶稣至高的权柄。So he continued to explain what he had seen in Jesus. 于是他继续解释他在耶稣身上所见的一切。

He said, “for I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. 因为我在人的权下,也有兵在我以下;I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes.对这个说『去!』他就去;对那个说『来!』他就来;I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.对我的仆人说:『你做这事!』他就去做。」

Those who have been in the army know that obedience to military authority is unconditional. 当过兵的人都知道 当无条件服从军队里的权柄。Authority can be defined as the power to give orders in the army. 权柄可定义为,在军队中下达命令的权力。This centurion had authority to give orders to his soldiers, but when he came to Jesus by saying, “I’m not worthy to have you come under my roof. 这个百夫长有权命令他的士兵,但当他来到耶稣面前时,他说:主啊,你到我舍下,我不敢当;”What did he think of Jesus? 他怎样看耶稣?

He considered Jesus as a superior authority because Jesus could give orders even to invisible things! 他看耶稣就是那位至上的权柄,因耶稣甚至可以吩咐眼不能见的事!Just say the word! 只要说一句话!even disease will have to leave! 即使是疾病也要离开!He seemed to be saying, “I’m in authority over soldiers, and they obey…but You are in authority over the whole universe. 他似乎在说:我对士兵有权柄,他们一定服从但你的权柄是掌管整个宇宙。Just say the word and disease will leave! 只要说一句话,疾病就会消失!You just say the word, and the dying will come to life. 你只要说出那句话,死人就会复活。You are in authority over all things, even to have the power over death and life…and all things listen to You! 你掌管一切,甚至有掌管死亡和生命的大能。一切都听从你!” Wow, where did this man get such great faith! 哇,这个人是从哪儿得到这么大的信心的!

Even now, when Christ Jesus has risen, and the Holy Spirit has come to dwell in us, how many Christians run to Jesus the first time they get into trouble, and believe in Jesus’ authority by seeking for a word from Jesus to solve their problems, rather than trying to figure it out themselves? 即使现在,基督耶稣已经从死里复活,圣灵也住到了我们里面,有多少基督徒在他们第一次遇到麻烦的时候,会跑到耶稣那里,信耶稣的权柄,寻求耶稣的话来解决他们的问题,而不是自己想办法解决问题?

I don’t think there are too many! 我想这样人不多!“God, forgive us, renew and strengthen our faith through Your words! “神啊,饶恕我们,通过你的话更新我们,提升我们的信心!”This centurion believed that Jesus’ authority in the universe is absolute, “just say the word, it will be done. 这位百夫长相信耶稣掌管万有的、绝对的权柄,只要你说一句话,事就必定成了。” He was a good illustration of what faith is. 信是什么?这人就是一个极好的例子。

Romans 10:17, So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. 罗马书1017可见,信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。Where does faith comes from? 信从何而来?It doesn’t matter how you feel or what you do in the flesh. 你的感觉感受,你在肉体中所做的并不重要。Faith comes from the word of Christ! 信来自基督的话语!

3, Faith comes from the word of Christ.信心来自基督的话语。

This centurion knew the power of the word of Christ, so that he only asked Jesus for a word to heal the sick! 这个百夫长知道基督话语的力量,所以他只要求耶稣说一句话来医治病人!That’s why Jesus was amazed! 这就是耶稣希奇的原因!

The elders of the Jews didn’t know the power of the word, although they diligently studied the word, but a Gentile officer showed the Jews what faith was. 虽然犹太人的长老努力学习神的道,他们却不知神话语的能力,但一个外邦人的罗马军官向犹太人显明了信心是什么。

The word of God says, “He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Psa 107:20” 神说(经上说)他 发 命 医 治 他 们 , 救 他 们 脱 离 死 亡 。诗10720 It is by the sending of His word, that we are healed! 正是藉着他的话,我们才得医治!

But what is the subject of the word of God? 但神的道的主体是什么?Jesus Christ! 是耶稣基督!He is “that Word”, who heals us! 他就是那道,医治我们的道!In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。约翰福音11 Who is the Word? 谁是这道?Jesus Christ! 耶稣基督!

If we obey the word of God, we obey Jesus Christ and His authority! 如果我们遵行上帝的话,我们就顺从了耶稣基督和他的权柄!And we are living in harmony with Jesus Christ. 我们就得与基督和睦的同住。If we are living in harmony with Jesus, we are living in harmony with the power and authority of the Almighty God! 如果我们与耶稣和睦的同住,我们就住在全能主的能力和权柄之下。If we are living in harmony with the power and authority of the Almighty God, we therefore possess His power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy! 如果我们住在全能父神的权柄和能力里,那么我们就有能力践踏蛇和蝎子,又胜过仇敌一切的能力!Unfortunately, there was no one in Israel with such great faith! 可惜,在以色列没有一个人有如此大的信心!

Jesus said this at Matthew8:10-12, 耶稣在马太810-12

“Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 我实在告诉你们,这么大的信心,就是在以色列中,我也没有遇见过。11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 11我告诉你们,从东从西,将有许多人来,在天国与亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各一同坐席。12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 12唯有本国的子民竟被赶到外面黑暗里去,在那里必要哀哭切齿了。

What hinders them from faith in the Word of God? 是什么阻挡他们相信神的话呢?What warning do we need to take from these Jewish elders? 我们需要从这些犹太长老那里得到什么警示呢?

Jesus tells us that many will come and sit down at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven because of faith. 耶稣告诉我们,由于信心,许多人会来与亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各在天国的筵席同坐。But the Jews will be cast out into the darkness, why? 犹太人却要被赶到黑暗里,为什么呢?

Due to unbelief and self-righteousness. 因为不信和自义。Because their faith is built on what they do. 因为他们的信心是建立在他们的行为上。And their God is the work of the flesh (the work of the-self). 他们的神是他们肉体的所作的工作(我自己的工作)What hinders them from faith in the Word of God? 是什么妨碍他们不信神的道呢?The flesh! 肉体!

Dear brothers, our real problem is not an incurable illness, but sin. 亲爱的弟兄们,我们真正的问题不是无法治愈的疾病,而是罪恶。The works of the flesh are sin. 肉体的一切工作都是罪。Sin gives the enemy a place to enter into us to steal, kill, and destroy. 罪给仇敌开破口,让他们进到我们里面去偷窃,杀害和毁灭。Therefore, illness can be a result of unconfessed sins (unrepented sins). 因此,未认清的罪(未悔改的罪)可以导致疾病。

By God’s grace, during these 14 years of ministry, I’ve dealt with lots of cases, when hidden sins were confessed and repented of and forgiven, the sickness was gone! 靠着主恩典,在这14年的事工中,我处理了许多案例,当隐藏的罪被揭开、悔改并得赦免时,病就好了!They are biblical and genuine healing from the power of forgiveness of Christ Jesus. 这是合乎圣经的!这真正的医治是来自基督赦罪的大能!

For Galatians 5:19-21 tells us Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy,[a] drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.因为加拉太书519-21节告诉我们,情 欲 的 事 , 都 是 显 而 易 见 的 。 就 如 奸 淫 , 污 秽 , 邪 荡 ,拜 偶 像 , 邪 术 , 仇 恨 , 争 竞 , 忌 恨 , 恼 怒 , 结 党 , 纷 争 , 异 端 ,嫉 妒 , 醉 酒 , 荒 宴 等 类

I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do[b] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.我警告你们,正如我先前警告你们的,那些做这种事的人将不能承受神的国。

So after we’ve become Christians, we are on the way to sanctification by dealing with the flesh in this way: 所以当我们成为基督徒后,走在成圣的道上,圣经教导我们当如此来处理肉体邪情私欲的问题:

Therefore, Romans 8:12-14 say, “12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.因此,罗马书812-14说:“12弟兄们,这样看来,我们并不是欠肉体的债,去顺从肉体活着。13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die (which is referring to the spiritual death just as Adam after he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he didn’t die but died spiritually); but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.13你们若照肉体活着,就必死(这是指属灵的死,正如亚当吃了分辨善恶树的果子,没有马上死,但灵里死了)若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着。14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. 14因为凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。

We aren’t called to feed the desires of the flesh whether they look good or evil, we are called to feed our souls on the word of God and to deny the self, and to take up our crosses to follow Christ Jesus by faith! 我们不是被召来满足肉体的欲望,不管它们看起来是好是坏,我们被召用神的话语喂养我们的灵魂,舍己,背起我们的十字架,以信心跟随基督耶稣!It seems to say that we should set aside the first interest of the self, and allow the Spirit of truth to do His work through us! 就是说,我们当放下自己的喜好益处,允许 真理的灵 借我们做祂的工!

In our context, our church has three services, there are lots of needs which require us to put our hands on with love, like being involved in helping out the children’s programme at both the 11:00 am and 2pm services, data projection, morning tea (maybe some of us can help? 在我们这里,每周我们的教会有三堂礼拜,有很多需要我们用爱心去做,比如在上午11点和下午2点参与帮助孩子们的活动,电脑里作文字图像投影,早茶(也许我们中的一些人能帮忙?) and prayers for others, etc. 为他人祈祷等。

If we say that we allow the Spirit of God to work through us, we must allow Him to speak to us, for He takes glory from His church as a whole not just the individual. 如果我们说我们允许神的灵在我们身上工作,我们就必须让他对我们说话,因为他从他的教会中得荣耀,而不仅仅透过个别人。

We thank God for His grace! 感谢上帝的恩典!It is by faith, that we are saved! 我们是靠信心得救的!It is by faith, that we are credited as righteousness! 我们因信而称义!It is by faith, that we are healed! 因着信心,我们得医治!And it is by faith, that we serve together as His church!因着信心,我们一同服侍神的教会!The freedom of salvation is for everyone who believes! 凡信祂的,救恩必叫你们得自由!

In conclusion, faith comes from an absolute reliance on Jesus’ authority and the power of the word. 最后,信心来自于对耶稣权柄和神话语能力的绝对信靠。A person in need can be helped by anothers’ faith in love. 一个人可以因着另一个人的出于爱的信心得着帮助。The paralyzed servant was healed not because of his own faith, but by the faith of his master who pleaded before Jesus in love. 这瘫痪的仆人,不是因自己的信心,乃是爱他的主人凭信心恳求耶稣,才得医治。

Jesus didn’t ask the centurion, “Go back to ask your servant, if he believes in me, then I will heal him. 耶稣没有问百夫长说:回去问仆人,他若信我,我就医治他。No! 不是! Jesus healed the sick slave because of his master’s faith along with love. 耶稣因主人的信心和爱,医治了那仆人。

You can be healed by his faith that works through love, he can be healed by your faith that works through love. 你可以因他的出于爱的信心而痊愈,他也能藉你出于爱的信心得医治。We need to love one another through obedience to the Holy Spirit! 我们需要通过顺服圣灵去彼此相爱!Then we can see God’s genuine power come upon us through our acts of repentance! 那样,我们就可以看到上帝的真正能力借着我们的悔改的行为降临到我们身上!

This story tells us that God is waiting for us to care or pray more often for those who are in need. 这段经文告诉我们,上帝在等待我们去关心并为那些需要帮助的人代祷。If your faith is based on who Jesus is and the power of His word, you will see the breakthrough that comes to the ones you pray for! 如果你的信心是基于“耶稣是谁”和“他的话语的大能”,你就会看到突破临到在你代祷的人身上!


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