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2019-05-26 The Victory of Resurrection Life 复活生命的得胜

发表于 2024-01-08

 (1 Cor 15:35-58) (林前15:35-58 

Again, 再一次we are looking at the topic of resurrection in Cor 15, 我们来看林前15章关于复活的话题。Last week we talked about how Paul the apostle dealt the doctrine of resurrection with the Corinthian Christians. 上周我们讲到保罗如何在哥林多教会信徒中处理有关复活教义的问题And he mentioned that a resurrected life is a gift for us who believe in the gospel. 他说复活的生命是神白白赐给我们这些信福音之人的But more than that, 不仅如此,there will be a resurrection of dominion as a reward to those who are faithful followers when the Lord returns. 当主再来的时候,那些忠心跟随祂的人必将得着与主一同掌权为赏赐。For this reason, 为这个缘故,Paul continues to warn the church in Corinth and also us 保罗继续告诫哥林多教会, 也告诉我们:in v.33-34a, “Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” 15:33 你们不要自欺,滥交是败坏善行。 

 The bible encourages believers to awake to righteousness, 《圣经》劝勉信徒要向义活,and not to sin. 而不是向罪活。For the church in Corinth thought that因哥林多教会信徒以为,since they had received Jesus as their personal saviour,既然已经接受了耶稣作他们个人的救主they had already achieved  spiritual resurrection. 他们就已经得着了属灵的复活Because of their misunderstanding of the promise of a future bodily resurrection, 因他们对将来身体复活应许的误解,they didn’t really seek to be sanctified by the truth 他们并没有真正寻求被真理洁净and practice righteousness和操练行义,just as the Lord was righteous.如同主是义的一样。Do we have the same problem? 我们有同样的问题吗?Resurrection is a basic doctrine of the gospel. 复活是福音的基本教义。Without belief in a bodily resurrected Jesus, 若不信身体复活的耶稣,and the promise of our bodily resurrection, 也不信我们有身体复活的应许,we are unable to demonstrate the reality of our faith, 就无法证明我们信心的真实we therefore will live like them, 我们就会像他们一样生活,“let’s eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”我们就吃吃喝喝吧,因为明天要死了。However, 然而, we all will be raised from the dead我们都要从死里复活,and face God’s judgement and reward. 面对神的审判和赏赐 

1, The bodily resurrection for believers. V.35-44信徒的身体复活35-44节) 

Now Paul goes on to v. 35-58, 保罗继续讲到35-58for the church of Corinth raised a question: 因为哥林多教会提出了一个问题“How are the dead raised? V.35” “死人怎样复活?35 “what kind of body will the dead have? ”复活的身体是什么样子的?The answer is a bit harsh, 保罗的回答有些严厉:“You foolish person!” 无知的人哪This is not to condemn but in some ways it is true. 保罗不是谴责,而是说出真实。For if we can’t even understand all earthly things, 因我们若连地上的事都不能明白,what about heavenly things that we never see nor hear? 怎能明白那些从未见过、听过的天上的事呢? 

v. 3-38, 35-38Paul uses a seed as an illustration to explain the resurrection body, 保罗以种子为例来解释复活的身体,which is like a seed and a plant. 它就像种子和植物。When a seed is buried in the ground, 当一颗种子被埋在地里seemingly it dies, 它好像是死了,yet on that very spot, 然而就在那个地方,a new life comes up, 却长出了一个新生命that is completely different to the seed. 形体和种子完全不同In fact, 事实上, it says that God created different things, with different bodies: 这个例子告诉我们,神创造的不同事物都各有不同的形体a seed has a body; 种子有种子的形体a plant has another body; 植物有另一种形体;also, animals have their different types of bodies, 动物也有它们不同类型的身体, like birds or fish, 比如鸟类或鱼, they all have different bodies. 它们都有不同的身体Even heavenly bodies –甚至连天体——the sun, the moon and the stars differ in nature.太阳、月亮和星星也都不同This is to give us an indication of the resurrection of the body. 这就给了我们一个关于身体复活的解释。V.42-44a So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.42-44上: 死人复活也是这样。所种的是必朽坏的,复活的是不朽坏的。43 所种的是羞辱的,复活的是荣耀的。所种的是软弱的,复活的是强壮的。44 所种的是血气的身体,复活的是灵性的身体。 

Paul makes clear the difference between the current bodies and the resurrected bodies, 保罗阐明了现今的身体与复活身体之差别let’s see what he points out in these analogies: 让我们来看他在这些类比中所指出的 

•perishable 朽坏的  • Imperishable - An eternal body 不朽坏的永恒的身体 

• dishonour  羞辱的 • In glory – to join Jesus in His glory 荣耀的与耶稣的荣耀合一 

• In weakness  软弱的 • In power –a body that never gets tired, or old, or sick, or wear out, or dies 强壮的永不疲乏、衰老、生病、朽坏、死亡 

• A natural body  血气的 • A spiritual body  有灵性的 

Imagine that? 想象一下?How glorious will that be! 那将是何等荣耀!14 years ago, 14年前when I was commanded to preach the message of the overcomer and the resurrection for the first time. 当神第一次指示我讲得胜者与复活的信息,I had a dream during the night, 夜里我做了一个梦in which I saw a huge nail coming down from heaven, 梦中我见到一个巨大的钉子从天而降,a short while later, 过不久I was holding Raymond’s hand我拉着Raymond的手and we were raised up together, 我们一起复活了,when we were just in the air, 当我们在空中时,our bodies were changed我们的身体变了形状,into glorious and huge bodies, 成为荣耀的巨大的身体as I was just getting the idea what they looked like, 当我正想搞清楚这身体的样子,the dream was over. 梦没了。I also was given a bible verse, 神也赐给我一节经文: “Out of Him came forth the corner, out of him the nail, out of him the battle bow, out of him every oppressor together. Zechariah 10:4” 10:4 房角石,钉子,争战的弓,和一切掌权的都从他而出。 

The nail refers to God’s authority, 钉子是指神的权柄,God's power, 神的能力,God’s judgement, 神的审判,God Himself, 神自己,Jesus the cornerstone which God’s people should depend on. 耶稣就是神子民所当倚靠的房角石。This promise shown to me personally 这个应许神活生生的显给我看still encourages me to work hard in faith. 一直都鼓励我在信心的道路上尽心竭力。 For it doesn’t mean that we have achieved, 因这不是说我们已经得着了,rather, it gives us hope to press on towards the goal.乃是使我们有盼望向着标竿直跑 

In v. 50-54, 50-54Paul tells us保罗告诉我们,that our current bodies are unable to inherit God’s Kingdom, 我们现今的身体不能承受神的国, for His Kingdom is imperishable, 因祂的国是不朽坏的,but our bodies will decay and die because of sin (Romans 8:10). 而我们的身体却要因罪而衰败、死亡(罗8:10)。Therefore, 故此,we must be changed. 我们必须改变。 

2, The victory of the Resurrection life. V. 55-57复活生命的得胜(55-57 

v. 55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 死啊!你得胜的权势在哪里?死啊!你的毒钩在哪里?死的毒钩就是罪,罪的权势就是律法。 

We know that our current bodies are subject to death. 我们知道,现今人的身体都受死亡辖制。Death is the most powerful thing over people in this world. 死亡在世上对人最有权势。No one can get away from death except Jesus Christ. 除了耶稣基督,无人可摆脱死亡。The whole world is under the control of the power of the fear of death. 全世界都卧在对死亡的恐惧之下。Where is its power? 它的权势体现在哪里?This clearly says, 这节经文明明白白地说,that the sting of death is sin, 死的毒钩就是罪,but the power of sin is “the law”. 罪的权势就是律法。What is the bible trying to say there?这节圣经想说什么?I’ve heard some people say, 有人说,“Christ has died for us, 基督为我们死了,we are not under the law but under grace, 我们现在不在律法以下,而在恩典之中,for the law comes through Moses, 因律法是摩西传的,and Jesus says that your accuser is Moses (John 5:45), 耶稣说在神面前告我们的是摩西(约545),so in Christ, the OT Law is not necessary anymore. 所以,在基督里已经不需要旧约了。Moreover, 不但这样,the power of sin is the Law, 罪的权势就是律法,so get rid of the law, we are sinless people. 所以废除律法,我们就是无罪的人了。 

Is that the teaching of the bible? 这是圣经的教导吗?Of course, it isn’t. 当然不是!The NT clearly say,新约圣经说: “the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good. Romans 7:12”, 这样看来,律法是圣洁的,诫命也是圣洁、公义、良善的。(罗马书 7:12 )Jesus Himself says, “…not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matt 5:18” ……就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。(马太福音 5:18 ) 

 Then那么, what does it mean “the power of sin is the law”? “罪的权势就是律法”是什么意思?Paul the apostle once sought out how to obey the Law by doing good, 使徒保罗曾寻求以做好的方式遵行律法,but he failed.还是遵守不了律法So he testified in Romans 7, he said, 于是他在《罗马书》7章见证说:“the law is spiritual, but I am unspiritual, 律法是属乎灵的,sold as a slave to sin…但我是属乎肉体的,是已经卖给罪了……what I want to do, I don’t do, 我所愿意的,我并不作;but what I hate I do…我所恨恶的,我倒去作……I know that nothing good lives in me, 我也知道在我里头,that is my sinful nature. 就是在我肉体之中,没有良善。” What Paul tried to say is that he did his best to follow the Law but he failed. 保罗想说,他虽尽力去遵行律法,可仍然失败了。He might have tried to love his neighbours as himself but ended up hating them. 他可能也有试过去爱人如己,结果却生出恨来。Paul came to realise that the sinful nature was powerless to do good in God’s eyes. 于是保罗认识到原来在神眼中,肉体在行善上何等软弱无力。But others may say, 但有人说:“Paul is weak, 可怜的保罗,太软弱了,I’ve kept the Law since I was a child. 可我,从小就守了律法。  

There was a young man in Luke 18, who said this to Jesus, 《路加福音》18章记录了一个富有的年青人,when the Lord talked about the Law, 耶稣对他讲律法时,他说了这个。主说: “do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother. V.20”, ‘不可奸淫;不可杀人;不可偷盗;不可作假见证;当孝敬父母。’”20节) the rich ruler replied, 这位年青富有的官员说All these I have kept since I was boy.v.21” 那人说:这一切我从小都遵守了。21节) Really? 是真的吗?Who said this? 是谁说的?He himself. 是他自己在说。Have you ever said this? 你听到过这样的话吗?“All these I have kept since I was…我从我还……的时候就都做到了啊……” Be careful to judge, 小心,不要自己判断,our vindicator is God not ourselves.惟有一位判断的,就是神,而不是我们自己。 

What does it mean that you’ve kept the Law?“你遵守了律法”的意思是? In Romans 13:9-10 (罗马书 13:9-10 ) “The commandments, “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself…therefore love is the fulfilment of the Law. 像那不可奸淫,不可杀人,不可偷盗,不可贪婪,或有别的诫命,都包在爱人如己这一句话之内了。……所以爱就完全了律法。If you say that you have kept the Law, 你若说你已经遵守了律法,it means that you have loved God and loved your neighbour as yourself perfectly. 那就是说,你已经做到完全爱神并爱人如己了。Unfortunately, 可惜的是,except Jesus Christ, there is no one. 除了耶稣基督,没有一人可以做到。Knowing that this young man definitely didn’t understand what it meant to have kept the Law, 主耶稣知道这年青人完全不认识“遵行律法”是什么意思,Jesus challenged him by asking him to sell everything he had and to follow him, 于是就以“变卖所有的分给穷人,并来跟从我”来挑明人心,in order to expose that the heart is deceitful above all things, 要他认识人心比万物都诡诈,and without being searched and examined by the Lord, no one could understand it.若不让神鉴察,谁都不能识透 (see Jer 17:9)179. Sure enough, 果然the rich ruler chose to love his possessions rather than to love Jesus, 这位富有的官选择了爱自己的财产而不是爱耶稣,therefore he walked away sadly. 于是忧忧愁愁地走了。In fact, the result of his choice showed that he had already broken the first of the ten commandments, 他的选择事实上表明了他已经违背了十诫的第一条you shall have no other gods before me. Ex 20:3” “除了我以外,你不可有别的神。(出埃及记 20:3 ), but he himself didn’t even notice that.可他自己竟没发现。 

Human’s judgement focuses on whether they have done bad things, 人的判断所关注的是他们是否干了坏事,like committing adultery, or whatever, 就如奸淫等等;if they don’t have, they judge that they are good. 要是没干坏事,就断定自己是好人。But God looks at the heart. 但神看的是心。 Jesus said this in主在(马太福音 5:28 )说,Matthew5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 只是我告诉你们,凡看见妇女就动淫念的,这人心里已经与她犯奸淫了。 

This law is true for everything, 这个定律适用于其他地方for instance: 比如说:anyone who looks at another person’s car, 任何人看了他人的车子、 or house, 房子、wealth, 财产、fame, 名声、power and or anything that belongs to another lustfully能力或任何其他东西心里也想贪要has already sinned against God in his heart; 就已经在心里犯罪得罪神了;anyone who murmurs at or grumbles or does not forgive anybody from the heart任何人心里嘀咕抱怨或不饶恕人,has already sinned against God in his heart就已经犯罪得罪神了;anyone who takes pride in himself by judging or despising others in his heart任何人心里论断藐视他人,has already sinned against God in his heart…已经在心里犯罪得罪神了……and so on. 等等之类。God looks at the heart.神看人的心。 

That’s why Paul the apostle through the Holy Spirit becomes aware这就是为什么使徒保罗借着圣灵认识到:that in the strength of the sinful nature no one can keep the law.人本性属罪,靠着它是守不了律法的。For the law reveals that we are sinners因律法显明众人都是罪人,and we just fail to keep it.罪人绝不能守住律法。(see Gal 3:22,加322). And without the Law, 没有律法,we don’t know what sin is except through the Law.我们不知道何为罪,律法使我们知道罪。 

What’s the function of the Law?律法的功用是什么?The bible tells us: Firstly, through the law we become conscious of sin. 第一,律法本是叫人知罪。 Romans 3:20b(罗320下). When we read the word of God with a humble attitude by asking the Holy Spirit to convict our hearts, 当我们带着谦卑的心来读神的话时,恳求圣灵光照内心,we became conscious that God’s standards are too high to reach by our corrupted nature, 就会知道神的标准太高,是属罪的天然人所不能达到的,for the word of God is holy and righteous, 神的话是圣洁的公义的,and our natural minds are hostile to God’s law. 我们的天然人的想法是与神为仇的。Since the Law condemns us, what can we do? 律法既然定了我们有罪,我们还能做什么呢?Secondly, the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ. 第二,律法是要引我们到基督那里(see Gal 3:24,加324). Since the Law condemns all the thoughts and deeds of our natural man, who can save us? 律法既然定天然人的心思意念和行为都为有罪,谁还能救我们呢?Where is our hope? 我们的盼望在哪里呢?Paul declared, 保罗宣告说:“thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord! 感谢神!靠着我们的主耶稣基督就能脱离了!” Christ Jesus died on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins, 耶稣基督为我们罪得赦免死在十字架上,and he personally experienced death for us, 为我们亲身经历死,for 3 days He was under the control of death, 三天之久被死拘禁,but Christ was sinless, 但因祂无罪,therefore, death couldn’t keep Him. 死亡就不能拘禁祂。When the time was finished, 3天后he was gloriously raised up from the dead, 他就在荣耀中死里复活,the sting of death has been taken out! 死的毒钩被拔除了!The power of sin has been broken! 死的权势被打破!Christ’s triumph over death gives the world great hope! 基督胜过死亡带给世界极大的盼望!That those who believe in the Person and the Work of Jesus will be bodily resurrected too! 那些信基督耶稣是神子和他所做的,在将来,身体也要复活!And even now, 就是现在,through our Lord Jesus we can live a victorious life over sins.靠着主耶稣,我们就可以活出胜过罪的得胜生活。 

3, Give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. V.58 全然将自己献给主的工。 

v.58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.所以,我亲爱的弟兄们,你们务要坚固,不可摇动,常常竭力多做主工(将自己献给主的工);因为知道,你们的劳苦在主里面不是徒然的。 

 The confused Christians in the church of Corinth had all their questions answered about Resurrection.哥林多教会的信徒们所有关于复活的问题与困惑都一一得到解答。This is for us too, 对我们而言也是如此,Paul encourages all saints, to “stand firm”, 保罗鼓励所有的圣徒务要坚固and “always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord our labour is not in vain”.“常将自己献给主的工;因为知道,你们的劳苦在主里面不是徒然的。 What does that exactly mean for us?它的准确含义是什么?Regarding the resurrection, what are we exactly devote ourselves to? 既然要复活,现在我们到底该致力于做什么? In natural, 在天然人里,we labour for our appetites and for all the glory in this life, 我们为自己的肚腹和今生的荣耀而劳力we take pride in “I did this…I did that…”我们为我做了这个,做了那个……而自豪but this only increases competition, jealousy, pride, and so many sins.但这只会徒增争竞、嫉妒、骄傲和许多的罪。 

In God’s eyes, 在神眼中,all men are like grass and all glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall. 1 Peter 1:24” “凡有血气的,尽都如草,他的美荣都像草上的花。草必枯干,花必凋谢。彼得前书124Now we are called to give ourselves fully to the work of Jesus, 现在我们蒙召,要把自己完全奉献给耶稣的工作,we are called to live the gospel叫我们活在福音里,and share the gospel to unbelievers与不信的人分享福音,and establish believers in the gospel. 并在福音信息里建立信徒。 We are called to love by showing our action in faith. 我们被呼召去爱,活出信心的行为Through Christ’s triumph over death, 基督战胜了死亡,we have been brought back to the original purpose for which we were made, 我们被带回到最初受造的目的。and we now have the ability and power to live in His image, 使我们有能力活出造物主的样式because the Holy Spirit will do “the work of Jesus” in us and through us, 圣灵会将“主的工作在我们里面也借着我们去作,if we allow Him to tear down, 只要我们愿意让祂拆毁,and rebuild our inner man在里面重新塑造我们,by laying down the will of the self to trust in Him.借着愿意放下自己,信靠主。 

In Re 14:13, (启示录 14:13 ) then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” 我听见从天上有声音说:你要写下:从今以后,在主里面而死的人有福了!圣灵说:是的,他们息了自己的劳苦,做工的果效也随着他们。 

 What does “the dead who die in the Lord from now on” mean? 什么是从今以后,在主里面而死的人有福了In the OT, 旧约中,Psa 116:15, it says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the dead of His saints.” 在耶和华眼中,看圣民之死极为宝贵。(诗篇 116:15 )Of course, this is not talking about the time when you die which is precious in God’s eyes. 当然,这并不是说你生命终结 死的时候在上帝眼中是宝贵的。In Revelation 14, 在启示录14verse 13-14, it says, 13-14节中,“then那么,”, before then, verse 12 says, 在此之前,第12节说,this calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.  圣徒的忍耐就在此;他们是守 神诫命和耶稣真道的。(启示录 14:12 ) 

How can we really obey God’s commandments and glorify Him while the OT believers tried and failed because of the fallen nature? 旧约信徒因堕落的本性失败了,那么我们怎样才能真正做到遵守神的诫命,尊荣祂 

Unless we put our trust in following the footsteps of the Lord by practicing counting ourselves dead to the desires of the flesh daily, 除非我们信靠并跟随主的脚,每日操练向己死,but alive to God in Christ Jesus! 住在基督里靠主向神活How precious in the sight of the Lord are those who count themselves dead to the desires of the flesh! 在主眼中那些看自己死的人是何等的宝贵  

Thus,因此 v. 58 is not teaching us to do the work of God by ourselves,58节不是在教导我们靠自己多做主工,so that we boast of our own works以至于我们就夸口, but teaching us to fully give ourselves to the work of the Lord,这是在教导我们要全然把自己献给主来作工,by practicing counting ourselves dead to the natural reaction,借着向天然人的反应的死的操练, and allowing the work of Jesus to be done in us and through us,并且让耶稣的工作在我们里面做成,并借我们去作,so that we may testify that we live and serve by the truth.因此我们就见证我们是靠真理而活和服侍。  

v.58b says that you labour in the Lord is not in vain, 58节那里说在主里的劳苦不是徒劳的,in other words也就是说, you labour in the flesh is in vain,但你若在旧人里劳苦就是徒劳,for God only reward the work which has been done by the Lord through us, 神只会赏赐被耶稣所成就的工,not the work which has been done by the sinful nature. 不是旧人所作的工。That’s why Paul exhorts us to always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord,这就是为什么保罗劝勉我们要常把自己献给主的工,for that is not in vain. 因那将不是徒劳的。What God wants from us is our submission to the work of the Lord. (the work of the Spirit of truth) 神向我们所要的是我们对主工的顺服(真理的灵的工作)。 

For it is Jesus who has defeated death and fulfilled law in love, not us! 因是耶稣战胜了死亡,用爱完全了律法,不是我们。It is “the work of Jesus” which makes us alive to God through faith by grace; 主的工因恩典借着信使我们能活在神面前,“The work of Jesus” ensures that we can obey God’s commandments, 耶稣的工才能确保我们在基督里遵行神的诫命and live a victorious life in Christ; 在基督里过得胜的生活;and we labour for submission to “the work of the Lord” to be done in us and through us, 并且,我们的劳力是竭力去顺服耶稣的工成就在我们里面,也借我们去作成,which will never be in vain, 这工永不会白费for that work will follow us until the time when our Lord Jesus returns, 因为这工会跟着我们,直到主耶稣再来的时候,He will reward us!他必赏赐我们!The victory of His bodily resurrection gives us great hope to live for! 他的复活得胜,带给我们巨大的盼望! 


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