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2025-01-25 十字架的拯救The Salvation of the Cross

发表于 2025-01-27

By: 付传道Pastor Fu

有多少人意识到我们的被造是带着目的的?How many of us realize that we were created with a purpose? 耶稣来到地上带着使命:Jesus came to earth with a mission: 就是寻找拯救失丧的人, to seek and save the lost. 祂也邀请我们跟随祂, He invites us to follow Him 以至于我们也可以在此生完成永恒使命。so that we, too, can fulfil the eternal purpose for our lives here on earth. 今天我们要来看看主耶稣上十架旅程中所改变的人。Today, let’s take a moment to reflect on the lives Jesus transformed as He journeyed toward the cross.

1.    巴拉巴:不配得的恩典 Barabbas: Receiving Undeserved Grace

第一个人是巴拉巴。The first person is Barabbas. 15:7 有一个人名叫巴拉巴, 和作乱的人一同捆绑。他们作乱的时候, 曾杀过人。In Mark 15:7, a man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. 这个巴拉巴参与了叛乱和杀人, This Barabbas had committed murder during an uprising. 《马可福音》和《路加福音》都指出巴拉巴因叛乱和杀人入狱, Both Mark and Luke highlighted that Barabbas was imprisoned for rebellion and murder, 而《约翰福音》称他为强盗 while John referred to him as a robber. 当罗马巡抚彼拉多, 按照节期释放囚犯的习俗, When Pilate, the Roman governor, followed the custom of releasing a prisoner during the festival, 问群众, he asked the crowd, “你们要我释放犹太人的王给你们吗?” “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?” 他是指耶稣。He was referring to Jesus. 群众却大声喊道:However, the crowd shouted, “钉他十字架!释放巴拉巴!” “Crucify Him! Release Barabbas!”

因耶稣被判钉十字架而直接得益的人是谁呢?who was the person who directly benefited from Jesus being sentenced to the cross? 是巴拉巴! Barabbas! 一个因杀人被判死刑的犯人因耶稣被捕而得以释放。 A murderer deserving death was now set free because Jesus was arrested. 圣经在教导我们什么?What is the Bible teaching us through this? 巴拉巴, Barabbas, 一个没有盼望、等死的囚犯, a prisoner with no hope or future, awaiting execution, 领受了从天而来的不配得的恩典, received undeserved grace from heaven因耶稣代替了他, because Jesus took his place. 正如马可福音15:31节记载, As Mark 15:31 records, 连祭司长和文士也讥诮耶稣说:even the chief priests and scribes mocked Jesus, saying, “他救了别人“He saved others, 不能救自己。”but He cannot save Himself. ” 耶稣为救别人不救自己。Jesus chose not to save Himself so that others could be saved. 当主耶稣被鞭打, When Jesus was flogged, 嘲笑, mocked, 拒绝, rejected, 误会, misunderstood, 和钉十架, and crucified, 他没有救自己, He didn’t save Himself. 相反, Instead, 他选择了十字架, He chose the cross and 但他从死里复活, 为救失丧的人。then rose again for the sake of saving the lost.

因着这恩典, 我们像巴拉巴一样, 也藉着耶稣得不配得的恩典Because of this grace, we, like Barabbas, also receive underserving grace through Jesus. 5:8, 惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死, 神的爱就在此向我们显明了。 Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ” 世人都犯了罪, All man has sinned. 人心充满了惧怕, People’s hearts are filled with fear, 羞愧, shame, 骄傲, pride, 苦毒, bitterness, 贪婪, greed, 仇恨, hatred. 约壹3:15, 凡恨他弟兄的, 就是杀人的。As 1 John 3:15 says, “anyone who hates his brother is a murderer. 杀人的是该死。A murder deserves death. 6:23 , 因为罪的工价乃是死。 Romans 6:23 says, “for the wages of sin is death. ’然而, 这就是福音!Yet, this is the good news 耶稣——神的儿子, that Jesus, the Son of God, 为我们的悖逆和罪恶而死。died for our rebellions and sins. 我们就像巴拉巴。We all are like Barabbas. 无论人生成不成功, whether we’re successful or not, 我们都在走向坟墓。we all are heading to the grave. 但因着耶稣, but because of Jesus, 我们如今可以得着永生的盼望。 we now can have eternal hope.

我记得有一天, 我的心被深深触动, I remember one day when my heart was so deeply moved, 当我读到巴拉巴被释放的故事时, as I read the story of Barabbas being released, 这让我大哭起来。 I wept and wept. 我意识到自己就像巴拉巴—— I realised that I was like Barabbas—没有盼望, 也没有目标。 without hope or purpose. 但藉着耶稣, but through Jesus, 我白白领受了新生命, I received the grace of a new life, 如今我愿意为祂而活。 and now I am willing to live for Him.

2. 古利奈人西门:背起十字架跟随耶稣 Simon of Cyrene: Carrying the Cross and Following Jesus

当耶稣预言自己将要受苦、受死和复活时, when Jesus foretold His suffering, death, and resurrection, 祂清楚地告诉门徒:He made it clear to His disciples: “若有人要跟从我, 就当舍己, 天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。 “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. ” (Luke 9:23) 耶稣从未隐瞒跟随祂的代价—— Jesus never concealed the cost of following Him—就是背起十字架, 走祂的路。 carrying the cross and walking in His footsteps. 而第一个实际背起十字架跟随耶稣的人, The first person to literally carry the cross and follow Jesus是古利奈人西门。 was Simon of Cyrene. 15:21 记载:有一个古利奈人西门, 就是亚历山大和鲁孚的父亲, 从乡下经过, 他们就勉强他同去, 好背耶稣的十字架。 As Mark 15:21 mentions, “A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross. ” 西门并不是主动去的, Simon wasn’t a volunteer; 而是被迫的。 he was forced to do so. 西门被迫背着沉重的十字架, Simon was forced to carry the heavy cross和耶稣一起走向各各他。 and walked part of the way to Calvary with Jesus.

一开始, 西门可能心里满是抱怨:为什么是我? Initially, Simon might have grumbled in his heart, “Why me?” 并且想要澄清自己, and try to justify himself, “我又不是犯人, I’m not a criminal;只是在帮这个人背十字架! I’m just helping this man carrying his cross!” 我们就像他一样, We’re just like him, 常觉得often thinking like this, “我没有错”, “I’m right. “我被委屈了” I’m wronged. “是他的错” “It’s his fault. ” 然而, however, 在这段路途中, along the way, 西门一定目睹了耶稣所经历的极大痛苦。 Simon must have witnessed the immense suffering Jesus endured. 耶稣的身体被鞭打, 浑身是血。His body was beaten and bleeding. 沉重的十字架让他不断跌倒, He repeatedly fell under the weight of the cross, 但每次他都再次爬起来。 yet each time, he rose again. 群众嘲笑他, The crowd mocked him, 士兵无情地殴打他, and the soldiers struck him mercilessly. 然而, 耶稣并不像一个罪犯那样大声叫喊或抱怨。 Yet Jesus wasn’t like a criminal, screaming or complaining. 他一句也不开口 He remained silent—就像一只被牵到宰杀之地的羔羊。 like a lamb being led to the slaughter. 他的口中没有威吓, From His mouth came no threats, 没有怨恨, no hatred, 也没有咒骂。and no curses. 西门可能意识到, 耶稣对苦难的回应与他自己完全不同。 Simon might have realized that Jesus’ response to suffering was completely different from his own. 作为一个天然人, as a natural man, 就像我们一样, 西门在类似的情况下可能会抱怨、 like us, Simon might have responded to similar circumstances with complaint, 羞愧、 shame, 生气, anger, 甚至出口咒骂。 and even curses. 然而, 耶稣在极大的压力、逼迫和痛苦中Yet Jesus, despite the overwhelming stress, persecution, and suffering, 却始终平静安稳。 remained calm and at peace.

我相信, 当西门为耶稣背负十字架时, I believe that as Simon carried the cross for Jesus, 神的灵可能光照了他的罪, the Spirit of God might have convicted him of his sin. 这或许促使西门在耶稣复活后成为祂的跟随者。 This may led Simon to become a follower of Jesus after the resurrection. 1613, In Romans 16:13, 使徒保罗向西门的家里问安, Paul the apostle greeted Simon’s family. 问候在主里蒙拣选的鲁孚和他的母亲;她也是我在主里的母亲。 Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too. 按着记载, according to the record, 古利奈人西门是鲁孚的父亲, Simon of Cyrene was the father of Rufus, 而鲁孚的母亲就是西门的妻子。 and Rufus’ mother was Simon’s wife. 可以看出西门的家庭后来成为了忠心的基督门徒, It’s evident that Simon’s family later became faithful followers of Jesus, 并全心全意地服事教会。wholeheartedly serving the church with devotion.

还有一个人也直接体验到了耶稣钉十字架的益处。 There is another person who directly experienced the benefit of Jesus’ cross. 在与耶稣同钉十字架的两名罪犯中, Among the two criminals crucified with Jesus, 有一人悔改了。 one repented. 十字架是终结我们罪、咒诅、旧人的地方。 The cross is where sin, curses, and our old selves come to an end. 然而, 十字架并不是我们的最终归宿!However, the cross is not our final destination! 耶稣对悔改的罪犯说: Jesus said to the repentant criminal, “你要同我在乐园了。 “You will be with me in paradise. ” 耶稣给悔改的罪犯饶恕、恩典和永生。Jesus offered this repentant criminal forgiveness, grace, and eternal life. 耶稣从死里复活, Jesus rose from the dead, 战胜了罪恶、死亡和撒旦。 triumphing over sin, death, and Satan. 基督这场争战中已得胜, Christ has already won the battle. 祂呼召我们背起十字架跟随祂——不是没有盼望的, He calls us to carry our crosses and follow Him—not into despair, 正是要进入永生的盼望里。 but into the hope of eternal life in abundance. 我们可能会跌倒, We may stumble, 但真正的悔改会把我们引向神的恩典。 but true repentance leads us to God’s grace.

像西门一样, 我们常常觉得被委屈就自己申辩, Like Simon, we often justify ourselves if we think we’re wronged, 就拒绝背起自己的十字架……and resist carrying the cross. 为什么我要舍己去爱别人, 甚至爱我的仇敌? Why should I lay down my life to love others, even my enemies? 为什么我要饶恕? Why should I forgive? 这是他的错啊!It’s his fault. 为什么我要否定自己? Why should I deny myself? 你们若遵守我的命令, 就常在我的爱里。(约15:10 Jesus says, “If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love. ” (John 15:10) 祂的命令引领我们进入爱、His commands lead us to love, 自由和喜乐。 freedom and joy. 然而, 舍己背起十字架并不容易。 But taking up our crosses and denying ourselves is not that easy.

在我的经历中, In my own experience, 实践这命令是一个很大的挑战, applying this command has been challenging, 因为我经历了惧怕和羞愧感的坚固营垒的挑战。 coz I’ve faced strongholds of fear and shame. 当我惧怕时, When I’m afraid, 我会不自觉地被那些专注于自我保护的思想引导 , I unconsciously follow thoughts that focus on self-protection而不是否定自我去信靠神, rather than denying the self and trusting in God. 这叫我无意间伤害到了身边的人。This can unintentionally lead to hurting those around me. 然而, 我需要把神的话语藏在心里, But I’m told that I need to keep God’s words in my heart, 在具体环境中祷告, and pray in my circumstances, 首先, 要认识到在我心中有哪些惧怕的意念, First, I must realize what are they? The fearful thoughts in my mind and heart, 然后, 我才能学会否定这些思想, and then, I can learn to deny them, 转向神的命令, 与耶稣一同去爱别人。 and turn to God’s command to love others with Jesus. 我还在学习。 I’m still learning.

星期一早上, On Monday morning, Jane检查了我的讲道, after Jane reviewed my sermon, 她对我说, 她觉得有些地方不太对劲, she said something didn’t feel right. 她感到有些东西阻碍了我对自己和他人的坦诚, She felt that something was hindering me from being honest with myself and others. 这可能会给宗教的灵带来可趁之机。 She pointed out that this could create an opportunity for the spirit of religion to take hold of me. 所以, 她祷告求神启示问题的所在。 So, she prayed that God would reveal the root of the issue to us.

中午吃饭时, At lunchtime, 我们讨论到了去年她不在时发生的一件事, we were talking about something that happened last year while she was away. 我讲了AnnaSophia和朋友去打排球的故事。 I mentioned a story about Anna, Sophia, and some friends who went to play volleyball. 后来何塞带他们去了肯德基, Afterwards, Jose took them to KFC 还慷慨地为Anna买了一顿午餐。 and generously bought lunch for Anna. Anna回家后对我说: When Anna got home, she said, “妈妈, 请把钱还给何塞。” “Mum, please pay the money back to Jose. ” 我让Kayla帮我把钱还给何塞, I asked Kayla to help me return the money to Jose, 但我没有向他道谢。 but I didn’t say “thank you” to Jose. 后来, 我意识到我的行为不妥, Later, I realised that my behavior was inappropriate, 也想向何塞道歉, and I wanted to apologize to Jose 但因为不知道怎么用英语表达自己, 所以还是没道歉。 but I didn’t do it because I wasn’t sure how to express myself to Jose in English.

Jane问我: Jane asked me, “你现在仍然可以向何塞道歉。“You can still apologise to Jose now. ” 如果你还想道歉, 你会对他说什么?” If you want to, what would you say to him?” 我想了想, 说: I thought for a moment and replied, “对不起, 何塞。 ‘Sorry, Jose. 我为没有妥善处理这件事向你道歉, I apologise for not handling this situation well, 可能因此伤害了你, and it may have hurt you. 对不起。 I’m sorry. ’”

Jane回答道: Jane responded, “等等, 你看到了吗? Wait, see? 你心里有一些东西阻碍了你对自己和他人坦诚。 Something in your heart is blocking you from being honest with yourself and others. 这就是惧怕的力量! That’s the power of fear! 惧怕会让你无法去爱, Fear stops you from loving 并把你捆绑在假冒伪善中。 and traps you in hypocrisy. 你没有对何塞说谢谢’, You didn’t say ‘thank you’ to Jose 是因为你听从了你的英语不好的惧怕想法。 because you listened to the fearful thought that your English was poor. 为什么你不坦诚地告诉他呢? Why not be honest with him? 让他知道你确实想感谢他, Let him know you truly wanted to thank him 但因为害怕自己的英语表达不好而退缩了。 but were held back by the fear of not expressing yourself well in English. 这样, 何塞会明白你的行为, 不会因为这件事感到受伤。 That way, Jose will understand why you acted that way and won’t feel hurt. ”

Jane指正后, After Jane’s correction, 我再次祷告。 I prayed again. 当我诚实地面对自己时, When I honestly faced myself, 我看到自己多么深地被惧怕捆绑。 I saw how deeply I was bound by fear. 惧怕让我逃避挑战, Fear led me to avoid challenges, 避免处理冲突, shy away from dealing with conflicts 也逃避内心的坚固营垒。 and evade the strongholds within me. 惧怕让我专注于自我保护, Fear drove my thoughts towards self-preservation, 完全被自己的软弱所占据, keeping me focused on my own weaknesses. 比如我的英语很糟, for instance, I often think “My English is poor; 我不知道该怎么用英语表达”, I don’t know how to say it in English. 而不是去勇敢地爱他人, 用蹩脚的英文去爱人和他人说话。instead of courageously stepping out to love others, even with broken English, I avoided speaking to English speakers. 那时, 我意识到 At that moment, I realized 这些反应不是否定自我, 而是喂养自我, that these responses were not about denying the self but rather feeding the self, 与耶稣的脚踪背道而驰。 which is contrary to the way of Jesus. 当我回想起耶稣教导的真理, As I recalled the truth Jesus taught, “凡保全生命的, 必失丧生命。 “Whoever seeks to save their life will lose it. ” 我哭了。 I wept.

惧怕将我们囚禁, Fear keeps us in prison 使我们失去爱他人的自由。 and robs us from the freedom to love others. 我很抱歉自己亏负了神、亏负了何塞弟兄: I felt deeply sorry to God and to Brother Jose: 对不起, I’m sorry. 因害怕——害怕被人说我贪心, Out of fear—fear of being judged as greedy, 害怕自己的英语不好——我没有说谢谢你, and fear of my poor English—I failed to say thank you. 让你跌倒了。 I’ve hurt you and caused you to stumble. 因着耶稣, 请原谅我! Please forgive me, for Jesus’ sake.

感谢主暴露我里面惧怕的营垒, 为要拯救我。 I thank the Lord for exposing my stronghold of fear in order to save me. 经上说, The Bible says, 28:13】遮掩自己罪过的, 必不亨通;承认离弃罪过的, 必蒙怜恤。“(Proverbs 28:13) Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy”. 认出我们的罪和坚固营垒只是一个开始, Recognising our sins and strongholds is just the beginning; 我们必须恨恶罪, we must also hate sin, 离弃罪, renounce it, 并与罪抵挡到流血的地步。 and fight against it, even to the point of great sacrifice. 我正在和你们一起学习这一点。 I’m learning this alongside all of you.

爱! Love! 爱能战胜惧怕。 Love conquers fear. 爱能使我们出死入生。 Love moves us from death to life. 让我们一起与惧怕的坚固营垒争战, Let’s fight against the stronghold of fear together, 背起十字架跟随耶稣, 学会去爱 Let’s take up our cross, follow Jesus, and learn to love.

是的, 主耶稣, Yes, Lord, 你配得一切的尊崇、 You are worthy of all honour, 荣耀 glory, 和赞美! and praise! 你死过, 又复活了, You died, rose again, 且活到永永远远。 and live forevermore. 感谢你的十字架, Thank You for the cross 感谢你付上重价, and for paying the price 让我们可以来到父面前。 so we can come before the Father.
因为罪, Because of sin, 我们遭受了破碎和绝望, we suffered brokenness and hopelessness, 这是我们应得的。 which is what we deserved. 然而, Yet, 因着爱和怜悯, in love and mercy, 你在十字架上舍己拯救了我们。 You gave Yourself on the cross to save us. 你为我们的罪承受刑罚, You were punished for our sins 使我们得赦免得接纳。 so we could be forgiven and accepted.
你担当了罪和死亡的诅咒, You bore the curse of sin and death, 赐给我们生命和祝福。 giving us life and blessings. 我们感谢你, We thank You 为这救恩我们赞美你。 and praise You for Your salvation. (让我们每个人自己来向祂表达我们的感恩. . . . . . ) (Let us offer our gratitude in our own words. . . )

你是否和我一样, Do you, like me, 生活在惧怕或羞耻之中 live with fear or shame 躲在面具后面, hiding behind a mask, 害怕被人评判, afraid of being judged, 或无法面对自己, or unable to face yourself 或难以接受真正的自己? or struggle to accept who you truly are? 如果你愿意, 可以和我一起祈祷: If you’d like, you can join me in this prayer:

主耶稣, 感谢你爱我! Lord Jesus, thank You for Your love! 感谢你接受我的本相。 Thank You for accepting me just as I am. 你选择死在十字架上, You chose to die on the cross 不是为了拯救义人, not to save the righteous, 而是拯救罪人。 but sinners. 你渴望罪人因你的恩典而悔改。 You desire sinners to repent because of Your grace.
主啊, 感谢你揭示了我生命中惧怕的营垒 Lord, thank You for revealing the strongholds of fear in my life 不是为了定我的罪, not to condemn me, 而是为了拯救我。 but to save me. 赦免我屈服于惧怕, Please forgive me for submitting to fear, 戴着面具, wearing a mask, 或假装自己是另外一个人。 or pretending to be someone I’m not. 我为什么要害怕被人看不起或渴望得到别人的认可? Why should I fear being looked down on or long for people’s approval?
这样做会让我倾向于取悦自己, In doing so, I am tempted to please myself 并使我与你的恩膏隔离。 and become separated from Your anointing.
主啊, 我需要你的医治! Lord, I need Your healing! 今天我转向你, I turn to You today 向你的灵敞开我的心门。 and open the door of my heart to Your Spirit.
亲爱的圣灵, Holy Spirit, 请显明我需要曝光的地方 please reveal where I need to be exposed 任何未解决的伤害或不饶恕, any unresolved hurts or unforgiveness 让惧怕、羞耻或其他罪在我里面建立营垒, that allow fear, shame, or other sins to build strongholds within me, 控制我, controlling me, 并引导我试图控制我的整个世界, and leading me to try to control my whole world, 而不是信靠你。 instead of trusting in You.

主啊, 我将我的惧怕、 Lord, I bring my fear, 羞愧, shame, 和被拒绝带到你的十架前。 and rejection to Your cross. 你担当了我的罪, You bore my sins 为我而死。 and died for me. 我拒绝再听从撒旦的谎言! I refuse to follow the lies of Satan! 尽管我的英语不完美, Even though my English is imperfect, 我的能力有限, and my abilities are limited, 但你的话语说: Your Word says, ‘我的恩典够你用的, “My grace is sufficient for you, 因为我的能力是在软弱上显得完全 for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” 阿们! Amen!

主啊, 我选择相信你的话语, Lord, I choose to believe Your Word 而不是自己的负面情绪。 rather than my own negative feelings. 当我不祷告时, When I don’t pray, 我就会被惧怕和羞耻的营垒所控制。 I’m controlled by the strongholds of fear and shame. 圣灵, Holy Spirit, 求你帮助我在心中筑起一座赞美和祷告的祭坛。 help me to build an altar of praise and prayer in my heart.
当我祷告时, When I pray, 敌人就逃跑了! the enemies flee!
感谢你在十字架上为我承受被拒绝和死亡的苦, Thank You for bearing the pain of rejection and death for me on the cross. 你的完美之爱驱除一切惧怕。 Your perfect love casts out fear. 我现在接受你完全的爱, I receive Your perfect love now, 饶恕并接纳我自己, to forgive and accept myself, 即使在我软弱之时。 even in my weakness. 我需要你的大能来坚固我。 I need Your power to strengthen me.
主啊, Lord, 我的父母、 my parents, 我的孩子、 my children, 我的朋友、 my friends, 我的同事、 my colleagues, 我的老板、 my boss, 我的领导 my leaders—我们所有人都需要你的怜悯、 all of us need Your mercy, 赦免、 forgiveness, 和能力! and power! 你呼召我饶恕和爱, You call me to forgive and love, 如同你饶恕和爱我一样。 as You have forgiven and loved me.
奉主耶稣的名, In the name of Jesus, 我破除累代的惧怕、 I break generational curses of fear, 拜偶像, idol worship, 和宗教崇拜的诅咒, and religious idolatry.
破除假冒为善、 I break the power of hypocrisy, 谎言, lies, 和自欺的权势。 and self-deception. 我奉主耶稣的名斥责一切惧怕和折磨的灵离开。 I rebuke all spirits of fear and torment in Jesus’ name. 主耶稣, Jesus, 在你完全的爱里没有惧怕。 there is no fear in Your perfect love. 求用你的圣灵和爱充满我, Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and love, 引导我用你的爱去爱他人. . . and guide me to love others with Your love. . .


现在你可以自己祷告 Now you may pray on your own……

感谢你, 主耶稣, Thank You, Jesus, 十字架上你为我们倾倒自己! for the cross where You poured Yourself out for us! 藉着你牺牲的爱, Through Your sacrificial love, 我们得救赎。 we are redeemed. 感谢你呼召我们背起自己的十架来跟从你。 Thank You for calling us to take up the cross and follow You.
圣灵, Holy Spirit, 帮助我们保持警觉, 敏感于你的光照。 help us stay alert and sensitive to Your conviction. 揭露我们生命中谎言、 Expose the strongholds of lies, 惧怕, fear, 和羞耻的营垒, and shame in our lives. 引导我们认出并否定它们, Guide us to recognise and deny them, 转而寻求你的拯救。 turning instead to Your salvation. 帮助我们活出丧掉自我的实际, Help us to live out the reality of losing ourselves 在你里面得丰盛的生命, to gain abundant life in You, 这样我们就能用你给我们的无条件的爱去爱他人, so we can love others with the unconditional love You’ve given us 荣耀你的名。 and bring glory to Your name.
感谢主耶稣。 Thank You, Jesus. 奉你的圣名求, In Your name, we pray. 阿们。 Amen.



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