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2024-02-25 主要用你 The Lord Wants To Use You

发表于 2024-03-19

Preacher 讲员: Pastor Fu's message 付传道

(可Luk 11:1-6) 耶稣和门徒将近耶路撒冷,到了伯法其和伯大尼,在橄榄山那里,耶稣就打发两个门徒,As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, 2 对他们说:“你们往对面村子里去,一进去的时候,必看见一匹驴驹拴在那里,是从来没有人骑过的,可以解开牵来。saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 3 若有人对你们说:‘为什么作这事?’你们就说:‘主要用它。’那人必立时让你们牵来。”If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?' say, 'The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.'" 4 他们去了,便看见一匹驴驹拴在门外街道上,就把它解开。They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, 5 在那里站着的人,有几个说:“你们解驴驹作什么?”some people standing there asked, "What are you doing, untying that colt?" 6 门徒照着耶稣所说的回答,那些人就任凭他们牵去了。They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go.

1, 主怎么说怎么成就God fuifils what He has promised.

2024年初,At the beginning of 2024,我看到神兴起大家在教会里服事。I saw God raising up people to serve in the church. 你们大家对耶稣充满了激情。They were filled with passion and enthusiasm for Jesus. 但除了激情But other than passion, 我们还需要被神使用什么?what else do we need to be used by God? 我们在这里看到We see here,在去耶路撒冷的路上,on their way to Jerusalem, 主差遣他的两个门徒去执行一项任务:the Lord sent two of His disciples on a mission:  “去附近的村庄找一头驴驹子。” “go to the nearby village and find a young donkey. ““什么?一头驴驹子?”What? A young donkey? 你想让我从它的主人那里把它夺来吗?Do you want me to grab it from its owner? 如果主人不愿意给我怎么办?What if the owner doesn’t wanna give it to me? 如果他们觉得我是小偷,把我打一顿怎么办......” What if they think that I’m a thief and beat me up…” 当我们听到神的话语时,我们心里有很多疑团。We have lots of doubts in our minds when we hear the Word of God. 主知道人们会担心什么。The Lord knows what people are concerned about. 所以他预先告诉他们,不要担心。So he told them in advance, “Don’t worry. 如果有人问你,‘你为什么做这个?’If anyone asks you, ‘why are you doing this?’ 告诉他们,‘主需要他。’Tell them, ‘The Lord needs him.’只用一个词Just with a word, 主人立即把他的驴给了他们。the owner immediately gave them his donkey. 主耶稣是至高的大能者!What a sovereign and powerful God Jesus is! 祂是全知全能的神!He is the omniscient and omnipotent God! 祂知道我们的生活中将要发生什么,He knows what lies before us. 祂的权柄掌管万事。And His power is over all situations. “主需要他。” “The Lord needs him.”

门徒听从了他的话,做了他说的,The disciples listened and did what they had been told, 然后,他们经历了他的大能! then, they experienced His Mighty power! (太Mat21:4-5) 这事成就,是要应验先知的话,说:This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: 5 “要对锡安的居民(原文作“女子”)说:‘看哪,你的王来到你这里,是温柔的,又骑着驴,就是骑着驴驹子。’”"Say to Daughter Zion, 'See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.'"这句话说,这一切的发生都是为了应验旧约中所应许的君王。It says, all this happened to fulfil the promised coming King from the OT. 耶稣基督,神的儿子,就是这样一位谦卑,温柔,却有大能的君王。Jesus Christ, the Son of God is such a humble, meek but powerful King. 如果你是国王If you were a King, 你会用什么交通工具来彰显你的荣耀? what tools would you use to show your power? 一辆豪车? a fancy car? 甚至一辆坦克 or even a tank? 但万王之王没有用一匹高马However the King of kings didn’t use a tall horse,而是用一头驴驹子。but a young donkey. 驴驹是最倔的动物,We’ve gotta understand that young donkeys are stubborn. 当首次被人骑时When you try to ride them at the very first time它必定是又跳又叫又咬,难以驯服。they won’t allow you to do it, they’ll try to resist you, they’ll buck, kick, they’re hard to tame. 第2节告诉我们V.2 tells us, 这头驴驹子,是从来没有人骑过的。that this particular young donkey had never been ridden before. 但在主的手下But under the Lord’s hand, 它是那么的温顺,没有固执不从。it became remarkably gentle and obedient without any willful resistance.

再一次,我们看到(诗Pas 119:91)说万物都是神的仆役,这是真实的。Once again, we see that all things serve God, which is true! 耶稣的大能统管万有。Jesus’ power reigns over all created beings. 一位经验丰富的驯兽师偶然看到了这段圣经经文,An experienced animal trainer came across these bible verses by chance, 他非常惊讶地说and he was utterly amazed and exclaimed,“你说耶稣是神,这是真的。'You say Jesus is God, and it's true. 因为没人能骑未经训练的驴。Because no one can ride an untrained donkey. 耶稣平静地骑着一头未经训练的驴驹子; Jesus rode a untrained young donkey peacefully; 他不仅是人,而且是神。he must not be merely human but divine.只有神能做到。” Only God is able.'驯兽师因此成了基督徒。The animal trainer therefore became a Christian.

2, God wants to use you. 主要用你。

耶稣基督,万王之王Jesus Christ, the King of kings, 骑着一头卑微的驴驹子进入耶路撒冷。entered Jerusalem choosing to ride on a young donkey. 为什么? Why?因为我们顽梗的旧人就像驴驹子。coz our sinful nature is like a stubborn donkey. 你可能会说,“我爸爸很固执…… You may say, “my dad is stubborn…我妈妈很固执……” my mum is stubborn…” 但我们每个人都在某种程度上很固执。but we all are stubborn in some way. 所以当有人说“你很固执”时,不要难过。But don’t feel bad when someone says, “you’re stubborn”. 因为耶稣说:“主需要它。” Coz Jesus said, “The Lord needs it.” 虽然我们有罪恶的本性, Even though we have a sinful nature, 像驴子一样which is like a donkey, 顽梗,未经训练,不起眼stubborn, untrained, not magnificent. 然而神选择了我们。Yet God chooses us. 祂甘心为我们这顽梗如驴的人舍命。He willingly laid down His life for us, who were stubborn like the young donkey. 祂赐给我们圣灵与我们同在And He gave us the Holy Spirit to be with us,训练我们成为神国有用的器皿。and train us to be useful vessels of His Kingdom. ‘主需要它。’”'The Lord needs it,'”. 主要用它。The Lord wants to use it. 这段经历成了驴子一生中最荣耀的时刻。This experience became the most glorious moment in the life of the donkey. (让我们告诉身边的人:“神要使用你!”) (Let's say to our neighbours: 'The Lord wants to use you!')

在我们成为神有用的器皿的过程中,During our journey of being made useful vessels for the Lord, 我们的信心要经过试验。we’ll face the testing of our faith. 如果我们只看事情本身,If we look at the things themselves,我们就会充满失望和挫折we’ll be filled with disappointment and frustration, 我们就会沮丧。and we can become down.但我们被呼召去寻求神的旨意,并仰望耶稣。But we’re called to seek God’s will and look at Jesus. 想想雅各的儿子约瑟。Think About Joseph, the son of Jacob. 他被弟兄们卖了。He was sold by his brothers. 然而,他没有被苦毒、仇恨或抱怨所囚禁, Yet, he wasn’t kept in spiritual prison of bitterness, hatred, or grumbling, 以致于负面消极, nor became passive, “他们为什么这样对我?  “why did they do this to me? 为什么?为什么?” Why?” 不, 他没有那样问。No, he didn’t do that. 他在苦难中寻求神的旨意。He sought the will of God in his distress. 尽管经历了痛苦, Despite the painful experience, 但他相信神对他、他的家庭和他的国家的旨意是好的,he believed God’s good will for him, his family and his nation, 借着苦难他被提升。he was promoted through suffering. 他说,He said, Genesis 50:20 ‘从前你们的意思是要害我,但 神的意思原是好的,要保全许多人的性命,成就今日的光景。’ 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.."  

约瑟的盼望是权能的神可以使咒诅变祝福 Josph’s hope is that the sovereign God could turn suffering to a blessing. 为什么约瑟要受这么多的苦来拯救以色列全家? Why did Joseph have to suffer so much to save the entire family of Israel? 因 Because Roman 8:17b如果我们和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得荣耀。if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we way also share in His glory. 这里说的不是为罪或悖逆而受苦,This isn’t talking about suffering from sin or disobedience. 它讲的是为义而受苦,It talks about enduring suffering for righteousness,并且结出圣灵里喜乐and producing fruit of joy,平安和爱的果子peace love in the Holy Spirit.

耶稣被抓的那一夜After denying the Lord three time on the night when Jesus was arrested, 门徒彼得三次不认主,终于明白了这真理,Peter the disciple eventually came to the point of knowing this truth, 彼前1 Peter 4:1-2, 基督既在肉身受苦,你们也当将这样的心志作为兵器,因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了。Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2你们存这样的心,从今以后就可以不从人的情欲,只从 神的旨意,在世度余下的光阴。2 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. 如果主要用你,If the Lord wants to use you, 祂会炼净你的信心。he will refine your faith. 为什么大卫在打败歌利亚之后,why did David have to endure Saul's pursuit, 还要忍受扫罗的追捕,逃到旷野这么长时间? and flee into the wilderness for so long after defeating Goliath? 为什么神的应许花了这么长时间才实现? Why did God's promises take so long to be fulfilled? 因为神想要精炼一个器皿,使其更像他的品格。Because God wants to refine a vessel and make it more like His character.

我们的人性说Our human nature says, '如果你对我好,我就会对你好. 'if you treat me well, I'll repay you well. 如果你拒绝我,我就会远离你。if you reject me, I'll stay away from you.' 神的性情是:饶恕But God's nature is forgiveness, 爱你的仇敌,loving His enemies, 为逼迫你的祷告。and praying for those who persecute Him. 那是君王耶稣的性情。That's the nature of our King Jesus.神无法使用亚当在地上扩展祂的国度,God cannot use Adam to expand His glorious Kingdom on earth, 因亚当不能彰显天父的性情,coz Adam can’t reveal the Father’s nature.惟有除去亚当的性情Only by removing Adam's nature,让基督的生命在我们里面掌权and letting the life of Christ reign in us,我们才能被主使用来彰显父在地上。can we be used to represent the Father on earth. 当我们说 "为什么我爸爸或妈妈会这样对我"When we say, “why did my dad or mum treat me like this?” "为什么这样的事情会发生在我身上?" “Why did such a thing happen to me?” 挑战和困难可以作为提升我们的工具!Challenges and difficulties can be used as tools to promote us! 神想使用你!God wants to use you! 神想要提升你!God wants to promote you! 当我们经历艰难的处境时, When we go through hard situations, 我们可能并不完全明白 "为什么", we may not fully understand “why”, 但我们需要对自己说:"主要用你。but we need to say to ourselves, “the Lord wants to use me. 因此,我需要用神的话语So I need to feed my heart with the Word of God, 用爱和宽恕with love and forgiveness,信心和信任来喂养我的心智,with faith and confidence, 而不是屈服于恐惧、not bow down to all sorts of negative thoughts from fear, 担忧或数落他人过错的各种消极思想。or worry, or counting another’s faults.” 神活着。彼后 2 Peter 1:3, 神的神能已将一切关乎生命和虔敬的事赐给我们,皆因我们认识那用自己荣耀和美德召我们的主。His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 它说,无论我们需要什么, It says, whatever we need, 爱,the love, 战胜消极、怀疑、坏习惯等的力量, the resurrective power to conquer negativity, doubts, bad habits, etc, 都借着圣灵内住赐给我们了have been given to us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. 每当我们转向祂, Whenever we turn to Him, 我们就能变得刚强。we can be made strong. 这就是为什么保罗说,我何时软弱,何时就刚强了。That’s why Paul said, whenever I am weak, I’m strong.

3, Offer to the Lord immediately主要用它,立时献上

33节,v.33, 当驴主人听到是主要用时,When the owner of the donkey heard

that the Lord needed it, 他立刻献上给主。he immediately offered it to the Lord. 他毫不犹豫地献出了驴,He offered it without hesitation, 他没有这样说he didn’t say like this什么,神需要它? “what, the Lord needs it? 这是我的驴。It’s my donkey. 你打算给我多少钱? How much are you gonna pay me?”不,这个人立刻就把它交给了主使用。No. this man immediately gave it up for the Lord to use. 愿意和顺服为全能的主打开了一扇门,让祂为自己的荣耀所用。Willingness and obedience open doors for the Almighty God to use us for His glory. 不顺从和不情愿则会为撒旦打开大门,让他进来杀戮、偷窃和破坏。Disobedience and unwillingness open doors for Satan to come in and kill, steal, and destroy. 但首先我们需要被圣灵感动but first we need to be moved by the holy Spirit.

我亲眼目睹过许多这样的事例: I’ve personally witnessed so many cases 神借着圣灵的感动呼召他们去服事、奉献和爱, where God called people to serve, give, and love by a move of the Holy Spirit. 他们心里被感动了,也祷告了. They were moved in their hearts and prayed, 但他们没有用行动来回应,but they didn’t respond with their actions, 因为他们说: because they said, "我得先照顾我的家庭,我没有时间; “I’ve gotta look after my family first, I don’t have time; 我得先给我的孩子买点东西; I’ve gotta buy something for my kids first; 我得先做这做那......"I’ve gotta do this and that first…” 然而,许多年后,他们停滞不前, Then, many years later, they stagnated, 失去了与源泉的联系they lost their connection with their sources,失去了快乐、平静和爱。they lost joy, peace, love. 你从这些基督徒身上看到的只有恐惧The only thing you see from them as Christians is a lot of fear, 担忧、失望和抱怨。worry, disappointment and complaining. 门徒和我们一样,都是不完全的人。The disciples were like us, who were imperfect. 当耶稣呼召时, Yet when Jesus called, 他们立刻舍了网,舍了船,舍了家里的雇工, they immediately left their nets, boats, hired workers, 离开家人,跟随了他。and even their families to follow Him. 耶稣没有呼召那最优秀、最伟大或最强壮的人;Jesus didn't call the most outstanding, greatest, or strongest individuals; 耶稣呼召那愿意的人。He calls those who are willing. 上周二,我们开始了第一堂英语课,Last Tuesday, we started our first English Class, 来自至少 20 个国家和地区的一百多人参加了这堂课。and more than 120 people over 25 countries attended the Class. 感谢神,因为你们愿意献上祷告和侍奉。Thank God for your willingness to offer your prayers and service. 来自OTBC,甚至教会外的人都来了,他们献出自己的时间和精力,People from OTBC and even outside of the church came and sacrificed their time and energy 为主所用,将天国的种子撒向万国。for the use of the Lord to sow seeds of the Kingdom into the nations. 神来不是要加担子给我们,God doesn't come to lay a heavy burden on us; 而是要把祝福给我们。He comes to bless us. 当神叫亚伯拉罕献上一百岁所生的独生的爱子以撒时,When God called Abraham to offer up his beloved son Isaac, whom he had at the age of one hundred, 亚伯拉罕顺服了。Abraham obeyed. 当亚伯拉罕拿刀要把以撒献为燔祭时,As Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac as a burnt offering, 神阻止了他,并说,God stopped him, and said, 既然你信我“since you’ve trusted in Me并没有留下你独生的孩子不给我, and haven’t withheld your only son from Me, 我必赐福你 I will surely bless you…万国都必因你后裔得福and through your offspring, all nations will be blessed…” (Genesis 22:16-18) 亚伯拉罕信神,献上最爱的儿子,Abraham trusted God, and offered up his beloved son, 他得了神的称赞。he received God's praise. 为什么Why? 因为这是上帝的心Because this is the heart of God,为拯救世人祂献上独生的爱子that God gave up His only Son to save all nations.

弟兄姊妹,神的拣选不仅仅是赐下救恩和新生命;Brothers and sisters, God has chosen us not just to save us and give us a new life; 且祂有更美好的心意和计划在我们身上。He has beautiful plans for our lives. 我们的一切所有都是从神而来,也是属神的,Everything we have comes from God and belongs to Him, even our lives are His. 神配得我们把最好的,心中最爱的献给祂。God deserves the best from us, the things we love the most in our hearts. 主要用你!你愿意被祂使用吗?The Lord wants to use you, will you allow Him to use you? 一个一个时代过去了, As generations have passed, 这个时代甘心顺服主的小驴驹在哪里?where are the young donkeys that can willingly be used by the Lord? 甘心献上一切被主使用的驴主人在哪里呢?Where are the owners of these donkeys, ready to offer up their beloved young donkeys for the use of the Lord? 求主祭坛上的火 把我们的驴驹一样倔犟的老我焚烧, May the fire of the altar of the Lord consume our stubborn old-selves like untamed donkeys, 使我们预备自己,一生献上自己, preparing us to offer up our lives for the Lord’s use, 无论我们去何处,或向左或向右, so that wherever we go, whether we go to the left or to the right, 或停止或走动, whether we move or stop, 我们可以谦卑被主驾驭,we can humbly allow the Lord to guide us, 我们可以只听主人的声音,and we can only listen to the voice of the Master, 被主差遣和使用!get ready to be sent out and used by Him!




是的,主啊,你真好。Yes Lord, You’re good. 感谢你耶稣,你对我们每个人所怀的旨意是良善的。Thank You Jesus for Your goodness towards each of us. 感谢您甘愿走上十字架,为我们的顽梗和罪孽而死。Thank You for willingly going to the cross and dying for our stubborness and sins. 你的良善呼唤我们转向你。Your goodness calls us to turn to You. 今天,我们听到你说:"我要使用你!"Today we heard You say, 'I want to use you!' "我要用你!“I wanna use you! 我在寻找能够谦卑并甘愿被我使用的驴驹子"I’m looking for young donkeys who can humble themselves and willingly be used by Me.” “是的主,我在这里”“Yes Lord, here I’m. 我愿意被你所用。I’m willing to be used by You. 我在这里,请使用我,Here I am, please use me. 我在这里,请差遣我! Here I am, please send me!' 如果你愿意献上自己的,请向主举起你的手! If you are willing to offer yourself up, please lift up your hand towards heaven!

主啊,感谢你, Lord, we thank You for loving us. 我们是何等的不配,却蒙你的拣选,成为你的孩子。We don’t deserve Your sacrificial love, yet You chose us to be Your children. 为了救赎顽梗的罪人, For the purpose of redeeming stubborn sinners, 你献上自己作为祭品,在祭坛上被杀, You offered yourself as a sacrificial offering and were slain on the altar, 平息了天父对罪的愤怒,使我们与天父和好appeasing the Father's wrath against sin and reconciling us to the Father. 主啊,感谢你付出代价,使我重回光明的国度。 Lord, thank You for paying the price to bring me back to serve the Kingdom of light. 是的,主,我回应你的爱!Yes, Lord, I respond to Your love! 我在这里,改变我,医治我,恢复我,使用我。I’m here, change me, heal me, restore me, and use me.  

圣灵,求你降临!Holy Spirit, come upon me! 求圣灵的火,烧掉我的疑惑, Fire of the Holy Spirit, come and burn up my doubts, 烧掉我的顽梗, burn up my stubbornness, 烧掉我的恐惧,担忧和一切不信的念头,burn up my fear, worry, and all unbelieving thoughts, 我愿意放下我的不信和怀疑。 I’m willing to let go of my unbelief and doubts. 你是我亲爱的耶稣, You’re my dear Jesus, 你为我流出宝血,救我脱离侍奉偶像,You poured out Your blood for me to rescue me from serving idols, 我愿侍奉你,我愿被你使用....I wanna serve You, I’m willing be used by You….


你自己现在可以向祂呼求 You can cry out on your own now….


感谢耶稣赐予我们天上国民的身份。Thank You Jesus for granting us citizenship in heaven. 呼召我们为万王之王所用。And calling us to be used by the King of kings. 是的,我们的生命与基督一同藏在神里面。Yes, our lives are hidden with Christ in God. 圣灵啊,请点燃我们心中的火焰, Holy Spirit, ignite the fire in our hearts, 更新我们的心思意念,思想上面的事。renew our minds to meditate on things above. 帮助我们永远把顽梗的罪性与你同钉十架, Help us to always crucify our stubborn sinful nature on the cross with You 让我们的心思意念被你的灵引导。and allow our thoughts to be led by Your Spirit. 愿我们口中的言语和心中的意念都能讨你喜悦,合你心意。May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to You and align with Your will. 因为你是良善的,你所做的一切无不公义。For You’re good, and all Your deeds are righteous. 主啊,我们在这里,请使用我们!Here, we are, use us, Lord!  






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